Ronnie Biggs

The Mirror
Ronnie Biggs
2002-07-17 16:00

When Ronnie Biggs flew into Britain last week, his weak health saddened me. I met him in Rio seven years ago, a strong, vital man with a face damaged by heavy drinking.He had broken his foot and wanted me to heal it-

I told him that he was the healer, and all I could do was act as the catalyst, to trigger his own healing energies.Biggs was an intelligent man behind the bad man’s bluster, and he intuitively understood what I was saying. He assumed a relaxed pose and closed his eyes, focusing his imagination on a mended bone in a healthy foot. After a while he said, without opening his eyes: “I ain’t thinking of my foot no more. Know what I’m thinking of? A pint of best.” “So imagine that you are walking into an English pub,” I said, “without your stick, your foot free from pain. And you go up to the bar and put that foot on the rail and order that pint of best, and when you drink it down in one swallow the dark brown liquid turns gold and flows through your bones into your foot. And there is great strength in your foot, and the love you have for that beer fills your foot and energises it.”I always encourage people during healing sessions to let the emotions take control. Ronnie was passionate about that picture of a warm pint, which symbolised his intense homesickness. By harnessing that strength of feeling, he was able to release powerful healing energies. By the next time I visited his hillside home above Rio, a few days later, the bone was knitting well.Ronnie Biggs always knew he’d come back to England. I knew it too, when I heard him talk of that pint. I hope he gets it.


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