A particular thanks goes first to Phyllis Schlemmer, authoress of The Only Planet of Choice. Phyllis believed in this book right from the beginning and encouraged me to continue. She also gave me kind permission to quote from Prelude to the landing on Planet Earth and from Uri (copyright Lab Nine).
Thanks and gratitude to Monique and Andrew Michrowski of the Planetary Association for Clean Energy, which Andrija co-founded. They too believed that this book should be published. As Andrew put it: “Bringing to the best light Andrija’s achievements and dignity.”
A special acknowledement to dear friends, Leonie and Paul Hoogstraten. Without Paul’s patient and kind assistance Memories of a Maverick might well have remained a mission impossible.
And finally to my husband Geert who patiently let me go off for weeks at a time in order to write this book.
Bless you all!
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