Letters From Fans


I must say, I’m so amazed by that! It actually worked! I felt strange at the same moment that we were supposed to look in your eyes, and now I’m free from Tobaco! I want to thank you Uri, for saving my life.
I’m 18 years old, and used to smoke about 1½ packets a day. So I just want to thank you!

Dear Uri. I watch the phenomenon last Sunday when you would have us viewers to quit smoking. I was very impressed, I did not believe it first but now I’ve changed my mind. I was a heavy smoker before and I have tried to stop smoking for several years but i have failed. After the program, I was NOT so dying for a smoke. The day after I smoked, but not as much as before. I have stepped down from 25 cigarettes a day down to 2 cigarettes for a dag in a relatively short time. Imagine that I have done it without problems and have not had any problems with (abstinens). Thank you so much for your help and you have probably helpt many more people. I promise you that I am smoke free for next Sunday. Thank you ever so much Uri

Hi uri.
I watched you on the swedish program “Fenomen” and you said that you would help us swedes to stop smoking. after the program i took one ciggaret, and didnt feel anything, but today 3 days later. i almost vomited, because of the taste of it. So i have stopped smoking, thank you very much uri

Thank you, dearest Uri, for scaring the daylights out of me – you made me quit smoking immediately! I don’t know how you did it, and I don’t care – I’m just so grateful to you. Love, love, love!

Hey Uri!
Thank you for doing that “Anti-smoke-campaign” yesterday on Fenomen.
You made me aware of how much damage I am causing my lungs by smoking. And the fact that I’m not just causing damage to myself but also to other people by passive smoking makes me feel really bad. I as a smoker is causing pain to myself as well as to other people. And I am poisoning the Earth by every cigarette I smoke.

I’ve been smoking since 5 years back now and I’ve tried to quit earlier a couple of times without succeeding. I even wrote a song about how dangerous addiction as smoking is. The song is called “Life is dancing with death” and I wrote it last year. When I write whether it is a poem or a song I usually use pseudonyms.
Because I want the reader or the listener to get their own opinion and maybe catch an another idea of what it’s about. As in this case I call the cigarette for: She and her

“Now she’s a part of my life
I can’t break up, we’re like husband and wife
We’re closed up tight
She’s my death and I’m her life”

I think I know why I decided to stop smoking, it’s because of you. Of what you said, did and showed. People have told me to stop before, but I didn’t listen. Because when they told me, I can tell you that they sounded kinda indifferent, like they really didn’t care. So I didn’t take it seriously.
But when I watched and listened to you yesterday. I felt and saw that you meant every single word you said. And it caught my attention!

But I must admit that I smoked a cigarette after your show. While I was smoking it, I started to picture me my neighbours oldest kid, he’s around 6 years old, he’s very young and very cute. I saw him lying in a hospital bed, suffering from lung cancer that he’s got from passive smoking, caused by me and other smokers.
I stood beside the bed and watched him die. It was terrible and I burst into tears. So everytime I wanna smoke I’ve started to imagine myself that this is happening.
Because in the reality it could happen if I continue to smoke. And I don’t want to be responsible for some peoples death.

After I had seen that “possible future event” in my head. I just couldn’t enjoy smoking anymore, so I stubbed the cigarette and said loud to myself: “I won’t let this happen. I’m done with smoking, I quit with this shit!”
Then I throw the rest of the cigarettes away. I haven’t smoked today and I will never ever smoke again!

Once again, thank you Uri!
Without you I couldn’t have done this.
Now I will focus on my career and to continue to make the world a better place!

“I deserve the best. I will demand the best. I will settle for nothing less.”

Thank you for your belief, inspiration, energy and love.


Hi Uri!

I just saw “Fenomen” and the act where you tried to make people stop smoking.
when i looked in to your eyes i sat with a snus, and in the moment i got an awfull headace!
i have tried to stop for so many time, now i can’t snus anymore!
Thank you i was sceptical in illusionists but now i’m sure as hell!
I guess you could be called hero!

Thanks for helping me stop!

Best regards <name removed for privacy>

Hello Uri,
I’m a 12-years old boy and i listen when you talked about smoking. I will never smoke in my life. I listened very carefully and I loved what you were talking about.. Happy greetings from <name removed for privacy>

Thanks i stop smoke after your show in Sweden

Hello Uri, I must say that you are fantastic. Me and my mother watched Fenomen sunday 1 May about your motivation to stop smoking. For me it worket because I feel sick afterworth trying one, and the same for my mother. It feels like paper in her mouth, she tells me.
My mother is 59 years old and she started when she was 15, she did not belive in you until now. I can tell you that it takes ALOT to convince her, but you did now.

Best Regards
<name removed for privacy>
Bålsta, Sweden

I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the podcast you did with Howard Hughes.

I let him know the experiment with the clock worked for me and he thought I should also let you know.

The alarm clock I used had not worked for over a year but I kept it because it also played radio and that worked.

I set the alarm and it went off just like it should the next morning!

Very cool 🙂


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