Letters From Fans


Hello Uri,

Yesterday was fantastic!

You are a very great metalist! The show were very impressive.

You are the best! with Rob and Emiel.

I hope you again to see.

Big kiss,

<name removed for privacy>

Hi Uri, i’m from the Netherlands and i send you this mesage to say that you are nice!
You look so much younger than 63, how do you do that? 🙂


<name removed for privacy>

Dear Mr. Uri Geller!!

What a great show was it yesterday in Heerlen! Amazing and mindblowing and Faboulus! Thanks for your autograf and picture with me I love you forever! <name removed for privacy>.

I just want to say how very fortunate we were in this small town of North Berwick yesterday to hear that inspirational talk from you. I would love my family to have heard it and hope there was a recording made at the Sea Bird Centre which we could see at a later date. My only complaint was the constant flashing bulbs from the press. I get migraine from them and felt sick but tried to “think positive”  and ignore them! I hope  you found your night on the Lamb interesting and not too uncomfortable.

My boyfriend thinks im writing too much, i am. You are a guide and comfort an inspiration and a beautiful truth, a destined precisily appointed rapture, a mystery ,a friend.

I dream that all in place there is a good reason for my quest. I wish that through intuition i am still humble yet acurate in energy, thankyou for your understanding.

With love your friend and fairy 😉

Sir Uri Geller,

I don’t know if you can remember but i’ve contacted you a few months ago.
It was about finishing the red baret of the luchtmobiele brigade in holland.
i must tell you that i’m doing well lately and i started to think pisitive and the problems i had are under control
because a docter gave me a different treatment than before and this is working out way better.
i am happy to tell you all this sir and i must thank you too because you contacted me by email and also by phone!
That was a very nice thing you did.
I’ve great respect for you sir and the way you try to help people in the world.
So now i am early of work and i thought let’s send an email to You sir.
tonight i will watch your show “de nieuwe Uri Geller”.
I find it really amazing to see wat some people are capable of.
But i think every dutchman will say the same thing because it’s not something you see everyday.

well i wish you to have a nice and carefull weekend sir and thanks again for all the help!

with great respect,

Hi Uri, back in 95/96 u sent my grandson a bear, he was suffering leukaemia, he was 2, i cant thank u enough, he is now a 16 year old 6ft n strong n healthy, i would luv to tell u more but no room thank u so much big hugs n xs

Please accept my apologies because I am so stupid person- I did not succeed in finding your extraordinary topics (about Lamb – but anyway there are some other topics that are very inspirational)on your Twitter, and I must admit these days – I was busy,so I could not spend enough time in reading it. But , I am interested to read a lot of stuffs,and gradually I will.
Thank you for your words of encouragment and universal love you sent in your answers.

And ,I was too shy to blow you with compliments, but Uri – saying anything would be insufficient. I am so glad the man like you exists.You are God’s Blessing for the mankind.

I hope you are feeling good, and you find energy and motivation for your further scientific work.
I also hope you are not alone, and there are plenty persons calling you for advice,help, or for some other positive reasons.

Besides, it was rude of me not to send you some of my photos-it is embarrasing to talk with the person you do not see.So, I am sending you some of my photos.You will have to save them in your disk in order to see them-because there’s some error in my mail that enables the good transfer of photos.

P.S. I am living otside of England, but I like English literature and have a wish to proceed with actually doing something about it. I am from B&H, Nationality:Serb,Zodiac:Gemini, Fe-male.
I usually do not like to put my name on Yahoo, because there’s a lot of jumping in from aside. EXCUSES FOR MAKING YOU SCARED-but it is not intentional.

Sincerely ,

Yes,it is amazing.I started to read your articles that are full of extra-ordinary achievments and actions.
So, many things happened that approve you are really the Holy Ghost of mankind, sent by Divine to open the eyes to the people – opening the New Age. Oh, you are beautiful.

I was wondering if you are alone on this beautiful cold snowy day that is made for lovers?-and if you are , then, I am sending you Big Warm Kisses to cheer you up . And even if you are in a pleasant company – I am giving you telephatical ” poljubac”.
It is strange that your energetic burst happened in 1975, because I was born that year. So, I gave you my first energetic present when I was a baby-born.

I’ve just started reading those articles …there are things that are very interesting, those connected with social life and history.

Lots of goody and extra things –

from, with Love

Hi Uri Geller, I always look for your shows, you are really really super! Can you tell me how to bend a spoon so? I did not really succeed, and I find that very sad. I hope you respond, Xxx


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“There is no spoon!”

The Matrix

“The world needs your amazing talents. I need them”

Michael Jackson

“Uri Geller gave an absolutely resonating talk on his life and career. He had every single magician in the room on the edge of their seats trying to digest as much information as they could. Uri emphasized that the path to frame is through uniqueness and charisma and that professional entertainers must be creative in their pursuits of success and never shy away from publicity.”

Tannens Magic Blog

“The man is a natural magician. He does everything with great care, meticulous misdirection and flawless instinct. The nails are real, the keys are really borrowed, the envelopes are actually sealed, there are no stooges, there are no secret radio devices and there are no props from the magic catalogues.”

James Randi (In an open letter to Abracadabra Magazine)

“Absolutely amazing”

Mick Jagger

“Truly incredible”

Sir Elton John

“Eternity is down the hall And you sit there bending spoons In your mind, in your mind”

Johnny Cash

“I Have watched Uri Geller… I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again.”

Clint Eastwood

“Better than watching Geller bending silver spoons, better than witnessing new born nebulae’s in bloom”


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