Letters From Fans


Hi Uri,

I wanted to tell you how wonderful I think you are. I always saw seeing 11.11 as a bad thing. I now know that it is a good thing and like you am wishing for love peace for all, when I see it. Since separating from my husband I’m seeing it more and more, even receiving important texts at that time.

I felt before I first contacted you and asked for you to send me a positive thought that my life had no meaning. You sent that to me and although it’s been rocky at times these last few weeks, things are better than I could have ever hoped for.

I have moved on. I am not getting caught up in the grief that I felt on my separation with my husband. I separated with him 4 days before Christmas. I have a fantastic new job that I start on Monday. I feel healthier. My kids are happier than they have been for months. I feel closer to them now than I have for a long time. there is peace, love and harmony in my home. To top that today is my birthday. The start of the rest of my life.

I truly believe that you have helped me. I am so grateful to you.

I wish you love, joy, peace and happiness.

God bless you

I am writing you because i want to express my enormous gratitude.
Your thoughts i have been reading from your amazing web site. Thanks to the symbols and healing energy…
I have been able to motivate a family member who right now needs it most, he is in hospital and he tells me it makes him feel good..
Nothing is more important for him than that he feels good and i will just keep giving him my imagination and thoughts..
His name is
Please Uri send him your prayer and thought
Best regards from Rome
God bless you

Hi Uri šŸ™‚

A while ago I asked you how on earth you manage to stay looking so young, and how you keep your energy levels so high.

You replied to me to say:

ā€œbe a vegetarian, don’t smoke, keep away from smokers drink one small glass of red wine a day, take multiple vitamins, do aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week, take at least one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil a day, keep out of strong sun but get 10 minutes of sun shine for vitamin D, take 1000 mg of fish oil for Omega 3 every day, try to smile a lot, be kind to others, look cool, be clean, try to live in a rural area for less pollution.
You can’t stop the ageing process but you can slow it down!ā€

I looked at that ā€“ and I thought, yes, Iā€™ll cut down on the drink ā€“ I drink usually more like 2-3 glasses of red wine per night, sometimes more ā€“ and I know Iā€™ll be able to cut that down. So thatā€™s fine.

Smoking ā€“ not a problem, I donā€™t smoke, my wife doesnā€™t smoke either. I smoked for about a week when I was about 13, my mum found out & made me wish Iā€™d never been born! I never touched them again! (Thanks mum).

All the other points you made, yeah ā€“ doable, and really good lifestyle choices I think, so great routines to get into. My wife & I have both realised we need more exercise, so weā€™ve bought ourselves some running gear for Christmas, and weā€™re just about to start running on a regular basis (we both like running, but havenā€™t done it for quite some time) ā€“ Iā€™m also making a point to go surfing more often, itā€™s difficult to find the time to do it, and to invest the money to get down to where the surf is, but itā€™s so much fun itā€™s well worth it ā€“ and the amount of exercise I get in one day of surfing, is immense.

But when it comes to the suggestion of thinking about becoming vegetarian ā€“ I just completely discounted that at first, didnā€™t give it a second thought. How could I be vegetarian? I ā€œLOVEā€ meat, everyone who knows me would laugh at the thought of me being a vegetarian. I love meat, I even did the Adkins diet once when ALL I ate was meat (luckily I didnā€™t do it for long so hopefully it didnā€™t do me too much damage!!) .

My wife used to be veggie before we had the kids, I still never contemplated becoming veggie myself, I was just so used to eating meat.

So anyway, over Christmas my wife decided she was going to become veggie again in Jan, and I thought about what youā€™d said ā€“ and I thought, you know what ā€“ Iā€™ll give it a try too.

My wife & I never really believed it would be a permanent thing, in fact I didnā€™t even make a big thing about it in the first few days, and I ate meat a couple of times without even realizing, as I was so used to doing it.

But now ā€“ 3 weeks later, and Iā€™m amazed ā€“ Iā€™m now convinced that Iā€™m a vegetarian for life!

I never, ever expected to be saying that!

The first thing I noticed, within a few days, is that I was feeling less sluggish, and more energetic. My stamina levels were getting better, I wouldnā€™t have the same kind of energetic lulls after eating that I usually would.

I started to notice that I just feel generally ā€œbetterā€ , more positive, more alive, more energetic, more enthusiastic. Iā€™m not sure why this is, maybe just because my body isnā€™t always so busy processing dead animal, or maybe thereā€™s something more to it about the vibration levels of vegetarian food being much higher than meat. We know that everything we see, touch, eat & drink is all vibrating at certain frequencies, and Iā€™ve read previously that meat has a much slower rate of vibration, and when weā€™re processing it, it slows down out vibrations ā€“ maybe there is actually some truth in this, I certainly feel more energetic than I did when I was eating meat. Not just physically, but mentally too.

Something else I didnā€™t expect, is how much more enjoyment Iā€™m getting out of food!!

For me food has always been fuel. Iā€™m not at all fussy about food, as long as my stomach is full Iā€™ve never really been bothered about what I eat, Iā€™d eat just about anything, and I donā€™t recall ever having such a good relationship with food in terms of enjoying the taste of it, looking forward to meals, choosing what type of food to eat etc ā€“ it was always more a case of just shoveling whatever it is down my neck quick. This has completely changed since going veggie!

Iā€™m being exposed to a whole range of different tastes & textures, and Iā€™m actually looking forward to meals, Iā€™m starting to think about experiencing different kinds of food, and my whole relationship with food is completely changing, from something you just shove in your face for fuel ā€“ to being something to enjoy & savour.

Today I we went out for a Mexican meal, I had 3 mushroom Burito ā€“ I didnā€™t even know there were three different types of mushroom!!

Iā€™m eating things like chickpeas, mixed beans, Tofuā€¦ I thought that vegetarians had a much smaller range of choices than meat eaters, Wrong!!

And hereā€™s the thing, Iā€™m enjoying food more ā€“ but Iā€™m actually losing weight! Iā€™ve lost around 8 pounds in about 3 weeks, and Iā€™ve not started with the exercise yet (thereā€™s been too much snow & ice to run, thatā€™s my excuse), so this weight loss is due only to cutting out meat.

So what Iā€™ve come to realise now, is that meat was no good for me, I was completely addicted to it, habitually, but actually ā€“ itā€™s been doing me far more harm than good, in so many ways ā€“ and after only a few weeks of being vegetarian, thereā€™s no way I would want to go back to that.

Thanks Uri, really, really good advice ā€“ anyone reading this who thinks you couldnā€™t possibly go without your steaks, bacon butties or Saturday morning fry ups ā€“ just give it a go, give it a couple of weeks, and see what happens, you might just find as I did, that rather than just being a change of ā€œlifestyleā€ it could actually change your life, and help you to live longer!

Now, just need to work on reducing the wine a bit, and doing more exercise!

Thanks again Uri, fantastic advice!!

Cheers šŸ™‚


dear Uri

thank you sooooooooooo much !! you did a great job and you have really busted her moral!!
she just phoned me and she is flying ! you really made her day and now she feels that she has to try to have positive thinking .

You are a very kind person and it is so nice of you to make her so happy . I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Pls believe me she is a wonderfull girl and she doesn’t deserve all this she is going through .I hope you will continue to send her positive thoughts and maybe one day … you never know !!

thank you once more – I still can’t believe you did it …

all the best

Dear Uri,

Thank you very much for the privilege of meeting you last Thursday in Limassol during your exhibition of lithographs.

You are one of the people I admire not so much because of the special abilities that you express but for the attributes of kindness, humbleness and love that you emanate.

I am so glad that in Cyprus, we had this wonderful weather for you and your wife to enjoy during your stay.

All the best for you and your family.

Surely, I shall come to see you again when you will be back in Cyprus.

In love and light,

Hi!!! I am from Cyprus and i am fourteen. I want to tell you that I am really amazed with the power of your mind!!! My broken watch worked!!! It worked for four seconds!!! Also, I want to congratulate you for your character. You are really a very good person and you like helping other people!!! Oh, and Happy New Year with my best wishes!!! My respects!!! šŸ™‚

you are the most precious being on earth.
no one can match your intelligence creativity compassion and your super human powers.
you have no equal or superior.
you are supreme.
almost a god.people worship you..
wish you all happiness health and peace.
your unswervingly loyal friend.

hi uri am from cyprus.your mind power its fantastic.i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!..

Hello Mr Uri.!
i was watching your show yesterday and felt the need to participate in your experiment..
The time you said people from home to place a thing upon their tv devices i have chosen little rubber..the time when the compass started to turn left and right (1,2,3 kinisou) the rubber moved and finally fell off the tv .. I WAS SOOO scared and surprised at the same time..i would appreciate it if you could send me back explaining more that perfect and powerful experiment.
Yours sincerely,

I am from Cyprus and i am going to come to limassol just to see you. My congratulations because i find through you your show that your authentic person.


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ā€œThere is no spoon!ā€

The Matrix

ā€œThe world needs your amazing talents. I need themā€

Michael Jackson

ā€œUri Geller gave an absolutely resonating talk on his life and career. He had every single magician in the room on the edge of their seats trying to digest as much information as they could. Uri emphasized that the path to frame is through uniqueness and charisma and that professional entertainers must be creative in their pursuits of success and never shy away from publicity.ā€

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ā€œThe man is a natural magician. He does everything with great care, meticulous misdirection and flawless instinct. The nails are real, the keys are really borrowed, the envelopes are actually sealed, there are no stooges, there are no secret radio devices and there are no props from the magic catalogues.ā€

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ā€œAbsolutely amazingā€

Mick Jagger

ā€œTruly incredibleā€

Sir Elton John

ā€œEternity is down the hall And you sit there bending spoons In your mind, in your mindā€

Johnny Cash

ā€œI Have watched Uri Gellerā€¦ I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again.ā€

Clint Eastwood

ā€œBetter than watching Geller bending silver spoons, better than witnessing new born nebulaeā€™s in bloomā€


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