Letters From Fans


Dear Uri,

14 years ago I wanted a baby but it just wasn’t happening. One morning you were on a programme and told everyone to concentrate on a spot on the screen and really focus on your deepest wish, 2 weeks later I got my wish.

I have never forgotten this and have so much faith in what you do, my greatest wish is to have one more child as time is really not on my side as I have remarried late as my previous husband died young.

I would be so grateful if you could possibly give me any hope or help whatsoever, now I can thank you for helping me all those years ago.

I will never forget it, thank you Uri,

love E.

Respected Uri Geller,

You are my hero.

I’m so overwhelmed by your charisma, that I’ve decided to convert – to Orthodox Judaism.

I want to become a Jew. It is not that Judaism has attracted me; it is because I admire you so much, that I decided to convert to your faith. I need your best wishes. Kindly suggest a Jewish name for me.

Thank you for your help and support.

I’m fiercely loyal to you.

All strength and success to you.



Dear Uri,

You have just flown back this evening from Moscow with my husband J. S. who was the Cabin Service Director on the flight.

On behalf of J., C. and G. I would just like to say a very big thank you for the lovely plates you signed with such fabulous artwork for our children C. and G.. Along with the spoons you signed and bent, they will be treasured for ever.

I especially plan to keep a spoon near me to feel positive energy and to keep me focused on attracting more positivity. You really are a very special man and I would like to say please keep up all the good work you do, especially in your prayers for world peace.

I wish you many, many angel blessings,

G. S. & many, many thanks from J., C. & G. too.


Thanks, Uri. Your book changed my life. God bless you.

A fan from Columbia

Dearest Uri,
I did everything you told me to do at The Patients Association summit yesterday, clothes, perfume, WATCH, I had no nerves at all and L. F. W. wrote on a special booklet “J. you are wonderful” and C. R. said a special thankyou to me and I kissed her on the cheek.
Like you, R. B. dashed in from America and had to dash back immediately. I am sure that you have done that many times.
I told one of the organisers that you told me that I would shine, and she said that I most certainly did.
Thankyou so much for the part you played.
Best wishes always,

Hello, Uri. Tell how to develop the abilities, effective way? And still.. Thanks you, after the program “Phenomenon” I am charged by strong power! 🙂

Здравствуйте, Ури. Скажите, как развить свои способности, действенным способом? И ещё.. спасибо вам, после программы “Феномен” я заряжаюсь бешенной энергетикой! 🙂

Wonderful you are, Uri!!

Few times today i thought “I’ll see Uri tonight, and he’ll send us his love again… No, wait, it has already been, he promised to stop people from smoking this time!”
How can I explain that you did the both? You think so loudly that I could hear you staying 1000 km away?
Thank you for a wonderful evening, and thank you for you love. I hope once a day i’ll learn to love like you, without being afraid of anything…

and looking forward to see you again,

Dear Uri

Thank you once again for all your very amazing and God given blessings and energies. May God Bless and keep you safe at all times. I feel very priviledged having met you. You are a wonderful person.



Hello, Uri !
I’m 20 years old. I study at university and I work as the economist.
I look each your show on our russian TV. Your charges really helped me! I became more self-assured. And now I quickly finish to write the my third book about magic, which wrote already very slowly. And I believe that it will be bought! I already found a Publishing house which will buy my book! And more I have found the love! I consider, what not without your help.
I want to ask you of advice. Know, you spoke from the screen, addressing to russian youth: ” Believe in success! ” And I believe that you will answer to me and it will help.
The matter is that I can feel the future. Very much often mine prediction come true. Approximately in 70 % of cases.
Also I can feel mood of the man and his thoughts, even if is not familiar with him personally. It is enough to me to see his photo and I can tell about him .
Few times I could diagnose health of the man and correctly has specified the patients organs.
There were cases, when I described that place, where there was a concrete man. Simply saw it inside the head. And all coincided.
But my abilities work not always. I feel, that I can more, but I do not know how to develop in myself energy how to learn it to supervise.
Uri ! Advise me, please, what to do! Even simply support me! I believe, that you will answer to me also it will change my life!
I thank you!
With respect, E.

To: Uri
Subject: im so thankful! and a request

Dear, Uri! thanks for saving my life! You probably will wonder how it was possible. well i will tell you. My life went completely wrong several months ago, i was very depressed and even (now it’s sounds scary) close to suicide, but recently I saw you in the “Phenomen” show and then i felt that some positive energy was coming through me.. And i realized that my worries and fears have gone away…
Thanks once again!
From Russsia with love!

Subject: I’m very grateful!

Hi,, Uri! This is J from Russia. I just wrote to say thank you for helping me become reconciled with my boyfriend. We were in quarrel for a week and no one wanted to be first to say “I’m sorry”.But after I saw you in”Phenomenon”and heard your last words and touched your hand I felt so much energy that i immediatly decided to call my boyfriend and to be the first to say “I’m sorry”, and he forgave me!
You are great! thanks once again!
From Russia with love!
Best regards

To: Uri
Subject: Biography of Uri

I know you have tons of mail and will probably never see this but………………..I was watching the Biography Channel in Colorado and saw a special on you. I have to say I have never seen such an honest man in my life. You overwhelmed me with it. You overcame negitivity with grace and charme. Even though, I would think, there are many wonderful things that come out of being famous and in the public eye there has to be just as many downfalls. As difficult as those times seemed you still found a positive outlook. For what ever difference it might make big congratulations for being such a good human being.




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“There is no spoon!”

The Matrix

“The world needs your amazing talents. I need them”

Michael Jackson

“Uri Geller gave an absolutely resonating talk on his life and career. He had every single magician in the room on the edge of their seats trying to digest as much information as they could. Uri emphasized that the path to frame is through uniqueness and charisma and that professional entertainers must be creative in their pursuits of success and never shy away from publicity.”

Tannens Magic Blog

“The man is a natural magician. He does everything with great care, meticulous misdirection and flawless instinct. The nails are real, the keys are really borrowed, the envelopes are actually sealed, there are no stooges, there are no secret radio devices and there are no props from the magic catalogues.”

James Randi (In an open letter to Abracadabra Magazine)

“Absolutely amazing”

Mick Jagger

“Truly incredible”

Sir Elton John

“Eternity is down the hall And you sit there bending spoons In your mind, in your mind”

Johnny Cash

“I Have watched Uri Geller… I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again.”

Clint Eastwood

“Better than watching Geller bending silver spoons, better than witnessing new born nebulae’s in bloom”


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