cate-testimonial Testimonials26
From: xxxxx xxxxxx
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2009 21:17:29 +0000
Subject: RE: My daughter!
Helloo Uri,
I would just like to thankyou for calling me this morning and taking time to talk to me it made my day and still feels like it was dreaming! i really appreciate it. I feel i am very similar to you with my interests im also sensitive person and quite phycic and it makes me sad when people dont believe me or quite understand me and think im different i just want to make people happy & also animals i have a chinese crested dog which was in one of my photos i give him the best life as he has a bad heart he is so spoilt sleeping in my bed and i let him get away with everything!
I unfortunatly lost my grandad 5 years ago and brought me up as a dad as my dad was never around and we used to have talks when he was alive i used to say to him let me know if you can that there is something more after this lifetime but dont scare me grandad! He still keeps in touch with me when i ask him for a sign that he is still around somewhere i will always get one for example he brought me a clown orniment holding a heart when he was alive and it said “thinking of you” and that same night i would see lots of clowns when i watch the tv in the evening its amazing so many strange things which can’t possibly coincidences! I thought you might like to hear about them and loved when you said on qvc that energy cannot be destroyed and that we go on forever so that made the things that was happing make sence!
I would like to thankyou again i feel so much better there was a lovely sunset tonight which i watched and everything made sence and felt so much more positive i cant wait to get your jewelery for my birthday and i will never forget my 26th Birthday
Thankyou & i wish you all the best for the future
Love xxxxxx
I’m 18 and I’m french so excuse me for my english.
I just want to say that I admire you because you are so simple and so extraordinary at the same time. You are an expample of life for many people and especially for me. My dream is to meet you… please, can you sed me an autograph? in case of yes I give you my adress:
Thank you so much !
Sorry, I don’t write English very well . I can just write : Thank you for
yesterday evening. My spoon flew from my feet. You’re formidable !
xxxxxxx, Geneva (Switzerland)
—– Original Message —–
From: “Uri Geller”
To: xxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: émission Dechavanne
> Please write to me in English love Uri
> ——Original Message——
> From: xxxxxxx
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: émission Dechavanne
> Sent: 14 Jun 2009 20:35
> Bonsoir,
> Je me permets de vous féliciter pour votre passage hier soir sur TF1. La
> cuillère à soupe que j’avais posée sans trop y croire sur mon poste TV a
> litéralement volé jusqu’à mes pieds.
> Merci pour ce formidable moment
> xxxxxxx, Genève (Suisse)
> Please visit my website at
> I wish you plenty of good health, happiness and peace of mind. Be
> positive, optimistic and believe in yourself. Follow me on Twitter:
> gelleruri
> Much energy and love
> Uri
> From my BlackBerry
From: xxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 18:07:14 +0000
Subject: TV show in France, experience of the spoon, the 13th june
Hello Uri,
I am living in Switwerland, yesterday I watched on TV Les soirées de l’étrange.
You were there, and you made a test. We had to write the symbole we see, and we had to put a spoon on the TV.
I put the spoon on the TV and then I took a paper and a pen. I saw a star, when I draw a star on the paper and put the pen, I heard a big noise. The spoon had jumped on the TV and falled on the floor. The beginning of the spoon faced the TV, and the end of the spoon faced the place where I was sit.
My husband was with me, both of us we still to be shocked of what’s happend.
I tried today to put a spoon on the TV, and guess what, nothing happend.
You have a very strong spirit.
My husband and me we are happy to have lived that experience.
Take care of yourself,
best regards,
xxxxxxx x
how are you ?
wish you great success
in your programmes in france.
you are a demi-god.
nothing is impossible for you.
more and more success to you.
best wishes
How can you send a messagd through the tv? You did it at the french tv on saturday i found the star
it’s really an honor to talk to you.
I have a special interest in kinetic powers from my childhood. I dream to be able to perform half yours.
Nevertheless, about two years ago, I realized that I can detect any TV working at some meters.
One day, I was at home alone and I felt it, I went to the dining room and I saw the screen black and there were no noise.
So I though that I was all wrong about my power, and then the feeling became stronger, I looked a second time to the TV and it was in fact working, but the channel was the one that is always black called AV.
I would really like to know your opinion about it please. (The feeling is like a little pain in my head)
And about 11:11 : what I’m going to tell you is maybe going to seem like stupid. But from my child hood. I was always and I’m still thinking that something is going to happen at 2011 and it is going to be a big event, I even draw picture in my childhood with a man raising his hands to the sky, it was like drawing a vision from 2011, I never know why 2011, and I was asking myself each time, but that date don’t have any signification to me.
But after reading your topic, I thought it will interest you. And it IS interesting me.
The thing is that I always felt it like having a direct relation with me.
Thank you very much for your time !
Please answer me :o)
Good morning Mr Uri Geller,
My name is xxxxx i am french i live in xxxxxxx in Apt and yesterday all the family and me watched the french programm La soirée de l’étrange, we put the spoon on the tv . At the beginning no one trusted what you said; so we wanted to try. When you said 123 , the spoon turned ( as the hour 12) the second time you said 123 and it turned again ( at half) . Vraiment fantastique. Incroyable. Alll my sisters were there , c’est surprenant, we are located at the other side of france. Furthermore, my little sister watch stopped also , les aiguilles de la montre.
The thing which strikes me more is that the sponn did not make noise at all. It ‘s amazing.
Now everybody in my family trust your mental power. The power of the mind has no limit.
Merci pour cette soirée en France. Bravo.
xxxxx. ( we tried to call to the 0800 86 20 20 ) but it was busy all the time.
Hi Mister Geller,
My name is xxxxxx xxxxxx and I come from Belgium.
It was with a great pleasure to see you toninght on the french tv show “La soirée de l’étrange”. I’ve made your experience and it was very amazing. We were 4, I was with my sister and we have made the red star experience. we were all both right. We have done everything what you say and we have put the spoon on the tv. We could’nt believe our ears when we heard the sound of the spoon who droped on the floor. It was uncredible !!!. I’m still afraid and I can stop seeing this spoon on my table hoping it won’t move again. 😀 I’ve tried to phone you after it happens but the spoon droped 4 minutes after the phone number has been spent. I remember i have shouted and everybody asked me what it was happening and they all heard the noise…
Thanks you very much for this fantastic moment spent with you I would never forget this moment who has changed our usual life.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
xxxxxx xxxxx
I watched the show on tf1 this evening (06.13.09), I live in Geneva and I must confess I got the star from the very first moment you “sent” it. That was thrilling! Thanks for sharing!
Best wishes
Xxxxxxx, Switzerland
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