Eddie Burke
“When Uri Geller first came on the scene here in England – Eddie Burke immediately started to experiment into the possible methods that could be used to obtain similar results that Geller was obtaining. Let us make it clear – we do not claim that these methods are the actual methods used by Geller – in fact, he may indeed have special powers. Unlike other Magicians – we prefer to keep an open mind about such things – Geller may be a clever Magician – or he may be a genuine Psychic? The fact that magicians are able to duplicate his feats IN NO WAY IS EVIDENCE THAT HE IN TURN USES TRICKERY – we have seen many so called Psychics whose effects we could easily explain – but on the other hand – we have seen things that cannot be explained. We prefer to keep an open mind.”
Eddie Burke, Intstruction sheet for the MagicTrix Key Bender.
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