You’ll be the strong silent type as the month of October gets underway and you certainly won’t need anyone’s opinion on how you should do things. This won’t be a bad thing as you need to remain focussed, particularly around the 5th of the month as you look for ways to make your own individual mark on the world. As this is going to require a steely determination, you’re going to have to be insistent that nobody tries to tempt you from your chosen path.
Once you have achieved what you want to do at the start of the month, you can afford to let yourself go a little around the 20th of the month of October, as you’ll find yourself in the midst of a social whirlwind. Accept all invitations and let your hair down a little in the company of family and good friends. Around this time you could also thank others for cutting you a little slack at the start of the month.
The end of the month of October finds you a little disgruntled just because you didn’t get what you thought you may have deserved. So what? We can’t all win first prize at everything and although we can’t all win the race, we can learn something from the taking part. No Leo, this isn’t a cliché, this is the truth and something which will be significant to you around the last days of October.
Horoscopes Provided By Alex Fenyvesi
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