You can’t be all things to all people, however around the 1st of October it will seem as if you are just that. With certain people who admire you for all the things that you have accomplished recently, you’ll find that you’ll gain the respect of a new group of peers and perhaps superiors who could be very helpful to you in the near future. Yes I know that recently you may have felt a little out of sorts and drifting in dark waters, but all that is about to change, providing that you accept that you yourself need to change.
Being surrounded by people who have problems indicates to me that you have to develop a strong shell around the 17th of the month. By doing this you will ensure that not only are you yourself protected on an emotional level, but that you’ll become strong enough to see the problems of others more clearly. This doesn’t mean that you have to go out of your way to help them, it simply means that by having a better understanding you’ll be helping enough.
The end of the month of October, particularly around the 30th, indicates to me that you be making various decisions with regards to your long-term career. Although you have made some fundamental changes this year already, you could find that one more push into a certain area could make you very happy indeed in your work life.
Horoscopes Provided By Alex Fenyvesi
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