Baird T. Spalding, whose name became legend in metaphysical and truth circles during the first half of the 20th century, played an important part in introducing to the Western world the knowledge that there are Masters, or Elder Brothers, who are assisting and guiding the destiny of mankind. The countless numbers of letters that have come in through the years, from all over the world, bear testimony of the tremendous help received from the message in these books.
Partial listing of the contents of the five volumes:
Volume I:
Publisher’s note and Foreword.
Introduction of the Master Emil
Visit to the “Temple of Silence”
Astral projection
Visit to the Healing Temple
Emil talks about America
The Snowmen of the Himalayas
New Light on the teachings of Jesus.
Volume II:
Visit to the Temple of the Great Tau Cross
Visit with the Master Jesus
Jesus discusses the nature of hell;
The nature of God
The Mystery of thought vibrations
Jesus feeds the multitude
An account of a healing experience
Jesus, and Buddha visit the group.
Volume III:
One of the masters speaks of the Christ consciousness
The nature of cosmic energy
The creation of the planets and the worlds
The trip to Lhasa
Visit at the Temple Pora-tat-sanga
Explaining the mystery of levitation
A doubter becomes convinced of the existence of Jesus.
Volume IV:
This material was first presented as “The India Tour Lessons.”
Each chapter has text for study, as well as guides to teachers for developing and interpreting the material. Among subjects covered:
The White Brotherhood
The One Mind
Basis of coming social reorganization
Volume V:
Material taken from lectures given by Mr. Spalding in California during the last two years of his life. There is also a brief biographical sketch. Partial contents:
Camera of past events
Is there a God
The divine pattern
The reality
Mastety over death
The law of supply.
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