Margaret Mead
Then there is another problem, that I think is very important to realise, and that is that everywhere in the world almost,where one has sensitives that are put in a public position, that is, they may be diviners, they may be seers, they maybe theatrical performers – but whenever an individual with particular powers is put into a conspicuous position, we have a tendency to find trickery also. Now this does not mean that the sensitive is only a trickster, but it does mean that sensitives are very doubtful of their own powers, of the reliability of their own powers.
For instance, Geller will not perform if he feels hostility from the audience. If he were a performer who was being paid, he might feel that he needed a few appurtenances (props) to make it work so this curious association between various forms of magicianship with sensitive behaviour occurs in many parts of the world. It doesn’t mean that the sensitive does not believe in his powers. It does mean he doesn’t trust them very thoroughly, and he feels that certain conditions could disrupt them.
Margaret Mead. Anthropologist
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