New Uri Geller Museum in Old Jaffa – Online Shop Now Open!
The new Uri Geller Museum online shop is NOW OPEN! Featuring original Uri Geller art work, and original signed comic books featuring Uri Geller as a superhero. Click the...
Read More...The World’s Largest Spoon!
The world’s largest spoon, created by Uri Geller, now stands outside the Uri Geller Museum in Old Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Israel. Verified by Guinness World Records as the largest spoon in the world, at over 53 feet long.
Read More...Pokemon being Sued: Kadabra VS Uri Geller – What Really Happened?
This is a huge video with an insane amount of facts. Pokemon gets sued for using the likeness of Uri Geller for Kadabra. This really happened and the law suit against Nintendo still has not been resolved. Here are all the facts around Uri Geller suing Pokemon.
Read More...Ottoman Era Soap Factory Discovered at Uri Geller Museum
An incredible discovery was recently made during the development of the new Uri Geller Museum. As rewiring work was taking place in the building in Old Jaffa, which is one of the most ancient buildings in Tel Aviv, a large chamber was discovered, and investigated by the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA), who discovered a masbena, or soap factory, dating back to the Ottoman...
Read More...Uri Pranking his fellow judges on Israel’s Got Talent
Uri thought it would be fun to play a prank on one of his fellow Israel’s Got Talent judges ;-). Watch the video below.
Read More...Uri Geller Bending and Melting Spoons for Chief Pentagon Spokesperson
Uri Geller bending spoons live for Dana White, Chief Pentagon Spokesperson.
Read More...Uri Geller & The Law of Reality
In this video series, Uri explains his vision of what the Law of Attraction really is, and how to use it to change your life!
Read More...The CIA Release Secret Files on Uri Geller. As Reported by Worldwide Media
The CIA have released a large volume of data, including previously secret documents about the tests that were performed on Uri Geller. The CIA concluded that Uri “demonstrated his paranormal perception ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner.” Below is a snippet of some of...
Read More...Uri Geller Receives Further Recognition For His ‘Powers’
ILTV discuss the findings of CIA testing of Uri Geller.Israeli Psychic Uri Geller Receives Further Recognition For His ‘Powers’ from
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