| My father and mother, not long after their wedding |
My mother and I when I was about four years old. | A school picture taken in Nicosia, 1963, at Terra Santa College. I’m the boy in the checked shirt. |
Joker and I in Nicosia. | My father and I in 1967. |
My father in the British Army. | Me in the Israeli Army at the same age as my father. |
Iris Davidesco and I in 1972. | My friend Shipi Shtrang. |
At a party with Abba Eban in 1971. | Visiting an Israeli friend wounded near me during the Six-Day War. |
After the war. The poster at my shoulder announces one of my lecture-demonstrations. | Before a night jump. The instructor is checking my reserve parachute. |
Concentrating on stopping the escalator in Munich in 1971. | The cable car that stopped in Germany. |
An engineer and I in front of the console where the switch for the cable car flipped. | Barbara Scheid and her silverware, which bent during a telecast in Germany. |
Two photographs taken during a lecture-demonstration | before 4,000 people in an indoor arena in Geneva |
Trying to influence a Geiger counter at the Lawrence Livermore laboratory in California. | The experimenters are setting up cameras to film an experiment at Livermore. Ron Hawke is at my side and Ron Robertson is in the background. |
An experiment to test brain waves, conducted at Stanford Research Institute in 1973 | Astronaut Edgar Mitchell and I in Palo Alto. |
Dr. Harold Puthoff of SRI watching as I try to influence a little weight under a bell jar. I succeeded. | Professor David Bohm (on the left) and Professor John Hasted of Birkbeck College, University of London. Dr. Hasted is holding a spoon, which started melting in my hand and continued to melt and bend in his. It finally broke in half. |
David Bohm holding a thick metal cylinder that I am trying to bend. On my right is the Geiger counter I influenced. | Professor John Taylor of Kings College, University of London, observing as I concentrate on |
bending a strip of metal that is attached to an extremely sensitive scale. | A sequence of frames from a Super 8 movie film taken by James Bolen, editor and publisher of Psychic magazine. The fork, which Bolen personally verified as being intact before the demonstration, gradually became pliable at its mid-section as I rolled my thumb and index finger over it. It finally broke apart. |
This “No Left Turn” sign bent as we were recording the album in a studio nearby. I wonder … | “… so I said to this guy Uri back there, ‘Okay , Smarty-pants, what else can you do, apart from bend spoons?'” |
Byron Janis, the world-famous pianist who also composed the music for my album, with his wife, Maria, Gary Cooper’s daughter, and me. | John Lennon and I talking about UFOs. |
Muhammad Ali and I. | On the Merv Griffin Show, July 19th, 1973. |
Painting in my studio for an exhibition in Europe. | Trying to photograph myself through a sealed lens cap. |
The two frames that actually came out. | The screened porch at Andrija Puharich’s home in Ossining, New York, after the screen had been fixed. I went through the upper section above the sash.The two frames that actually came out. |
The photograph I took through the window of the Lufthansa jet after my camera had levitated in front of me. As I was shooting the picture I saw nothing outside. | Uri Geller performing in Israel in 1971. |
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A sample of the results of the telepathy experiments conducted under controlled conditions at Stanford Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, and published in Nature magazine. |