Remote viewing is the ability to transcend time and space to view targets (persons, places, or things) remote in time and space, and to gather intelligence information on the same.
Dr. Morehouse takes you step by step into the matrix of the universal mind to develop your remote viewing powers. As a successful remote viewer, neural pathways are created that allow access to the innate power, self assurance, and endless knowledge that lies dormant within each of us.
Following the methods Dr. Morehouse teaches, you will become a skilled Remote Viewer.
1. Two How-To Videos
These 45-minute video tapes will teach you the Cardinal Rules of remote viewing by taking you through three stages.
Stage 1: Achieve an altered state, access the signal line, acquire an ideogram, and learn how to decode all components of the ideogram.
Stage 2: Experience emotional and aesthetic sensory input, and physical sensations at the target site – touch, taste, smell, sight and sound – and learn how to format this information.
Stage 3: Sketch individual aspects of the target site and learn the six primary dimensionals.
2. Companion Workbook
Detailed information not covered in the video, including a glossary of remote viewing terms and remote viewing sessions you can perform at home and mail-in for results.
3. Cool-Down Tape
This 30-minute audio cassette will prepare you for your journey into the unconscious.
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The Psychic Warrior Video
for FREE!
In an informal and intimate setting, Dr. Morehouse shares his incredible journey into the Army’s highly classified and controversial remote viewing program. This one hour video reveals the military’s world of psychic espionage that led to Dr. Morehouse’s own enlightenment and spiritual awakening.
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Dr. Morehouse takes you step by step into the matrix of the universal mind to develop your remote viewing powers. As a successful remote viewer, neural pathways are created that allow access to the innate power, self assurance, and endless knowledge that lies dormant within each of us.
By following the procedures and protocols of this video and workbook:
· You will learn a new language to communicate with the unconscious.
· You will learn a previously classified military method for decoding information received from the unconscious.
· You will learn to access fourth-dimensional levels of consciousness.
· You will learn to move backwards and forwards on the time space continuum.
· You will create new neural pathways.
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