
At the astonishing party thrown by Michael Jackson to celebrate his 30 years as a solo artist, in New York ten days ago, I was delighted to spot some youngsters who have achieved extraordinary success since I last ran into them – Joey, Justin, JC, Chris and Lance, the boys of Nsync.


And it’s not only people who produce oxytocin – other mammals, and even reptiles and birds, also make their own versions.
Anyone who loves animals cannot doubt that animals feel love too, and this research appears to prove that even the smallest creatures can feel the biggest emotion.
Trawl the internet for any data on parascientific phenomena, and you’ll soon see that some people have other ideas about what creates love. Dozens of US ‘psychics’ now advertise that they can cast love spells and mix love potions for you … at a price, of course.
One Californian witch, who calls herself Andreika, boasts: “I can cast a spell to make one love another, or cause a person to change his mind about a relationship, or bring two people together. My magical powers are beyond your imagination.” The cost is $15.50, or about £10. Naturally Andreika has testimonials from satisfied customers: “For years I have been searching for a kind, loving man,’ writes C.L. of Virginia Beach On July 14 you cast a love spell for me. On July 24 I met a Lieutenant Commander… I have never been so attracted so fast. We are now engaged to be married.” Ten quid for a Lieutenant Commander! £20 might have landed her an Admiral!
You don’t need to pay for magic, obviously. We are al magical creatures, especially where love is concerned. To meet the partner of your dreams, be prepared to open your mind as well as your heart. Instead of visualising Mr Right or Miss Perfect, imagine yourself in love. Let the feelings of forgiveness, affection and adoration flood your body.
Direct love at yourself, and towards the world. When your mind and heart are open, someone good will surely walk through the door!


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