In my spring 1981 parapsychology class at Providence College night school, a student related the following story which occurred during the time of the class, He said that one day he decided ‘4oui of the bluer to purchase The New York Times As we Live in Rhode Island, this purchase was some what unusual In the issue was an article about the students! First cousin. When he told his grandmother about the article, she said that she knew about it and was going to call him to tell him to get the newspaper! Telepathic transfer seems to be the most likely explanation for the coincidence.
Telepathy may be a much more common form of communication than we think for myself, I have found that some of my dreams could he explained by a telepathic model. On February 5. 1976, I had a very interesting dream about an American coin which was minted from 1916 until 1945, called the Mercury head dime. The dream was so intense that 1 discussed its symbolic meaning of one of my night time classes three days later. After the Lecture, one of the students approached me to tell me that he had sold a roll of Mercury head dimes to a buyer the day I had the dream! The details of his experience were so similar to my dream that I reported the event in a previous article (Seifer, 1979, p.45). Suppose he had been absent that day, or suppose I had not taken the time to discuss the dream, I would have never known that this dream may very well have been initiated by telepathy.
Paranormal information seems to arise through the same psychic apparatus when appearing in consciousness as normal memories; and it also seems very difficult to be able to distinguish it from normal cognition. They both come up from the unconscious through the preconscious to awareness in the conscious. According to this model, however, telepathic experiences arise from one strata beneath the personal unconscious. This would explain why some telepathic communication occurs in symbolic form. The information may suffer the same distortion by the censor that occurs in dreams.
However, in contradistinction to the mechanisms of symbolic representation, some forms of synchronicity, such as the meaningful coincidence, tends to utilise great precision of duplication, as seen in the twin series, the birthday synchronicities, the pharaonic and Google episodes. In these cases, there seems to be no symbolic distortion whatever and thus “pure” synchronicity may be a more primary form of transference than other forms, such as telepathy or clairvoyance. Nevertheless, just as some meaningful coincidences may be symbolically linked, some telepathic encounters could be transferred in a pure, undistorted way.
The suggestion by Lykker that genetic determinants may be responsible for the twin coincidences (Holden, 1980, pp.55-59), appears to be a forced hypothesis, although common genetics is apparently playing a role. If part of our psyches includes the atomic structure of DNA, then it is reasonable to consider theories that search for a physical substratum for the detection, transmission and source of information transference whether synchronistic, telepathic or merely cognitive.
If telepathy is more common than we think, then this form of synchronicity maybe responsible for some of our actions in a way similar to how other actions are initiated from the unconscious. For example, in April of 1976 I had a day off and traveled down to New York City to do some research at the Society of Psychic Research. Traveling by train, I decided to take along Uri Geller’s autobiography as reading material. Engrossed in the book, I missed My stop on the subway and so emerged at Columbus Circle to walk along Central Park West the 14 blocks to the society’s headquarters. About six blocks down, walking towards me was John Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono. We exchanged greetings, and then I said, “John, since I have your photo on me, would you mind signing an autograph?” Lennon was surprised by this statement, so I clarified. “It’s in Geller’s book,” I said, pointing to the photo of the two of them. This coincidence allowed me to meet John Lennon and Yoko Ono, obtain their autographs and analyze their handwritings. It is possible that some form of telepathy would explain the encounter, as unconsciously, I may have known that Lennon was in the area.
One theory for transmission involves the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Electromagnetic (EM) waves (Dennis, 1981, pp.2,10; Marks & Kamann, 1980, pp.155-169). This theory attempts to explain synchronistic and/or telepathic phenomena as having a purely physical substratum. In this case, the mechanism and carrier wave for these phenomena would be various electrical oscillations that pervade the earth which are also synchronous to human brain waves.
The ELF-EM field-waves and impulses occupy the frequency band between3 HZ and 3 KHz while [Ultra Low Frequency] ENI phenomena [less than 3Hz] occupy adjacent bands.
(Persinger, 1979, p.156)
These data suggest that geomagnetic pulsations directly relating to the brainwave frequencies may act as carrier waves for various kinds of ESP phenomena. Since these waves are always surrounding the earth, it would also be theoretically possible for telepathic information to travel at the speed of light. This velocity would approximate 3 1/2 revolutions of the earth per second, and for all intents and purposes, would be instantaneous. Since alpha EEG waves have been correlated to relaxed states, this suggests that ESP occurs more often during alpha (8 Hz) production, a frequency Persinger notes, which is identical to “Shuman resonances” that create standing waves surrounding the earth’s ionosphere (Persinger, 1979).
If one considers the structure of the brain itself, there are a few other possible mechanisms of transfer. One to consider would be the frequency of the brain associated with its sizeable water content. Individual molecules of H20 are held to each other by an H-bond, which is a weak attraction between the positive side of one molecule to the negative side of another. It is the rapid H-bond shifts, which occur at about one million times per second, that accounts for the fluid property of water. It is very possible that this H-bond shift frequency, which would also be in harmonic resonance to water molecules in the air or ocean could act as a carrier frequency for direct brain perception (DBP), i.e., the transfer of information from one brain to another. Certain neurotransmitters could be in synch with this frequency.
We know, for instance, that telepathy often occurs during emotionally charged times, and during times of dreaming, that is, when certain neurotransmitters, such as adrenaline, dopamine or serotonin are being produced. The molecular structure of all of these neurotransmitters is known. They all contain a carbon ring and various combinations of other atoms of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. The carbon ring is a hexagram-shaped field-generated structure composed of electrons, protons and neutrons. Viewed as a multidimensional frequency configuration, the carbon ring is composed of six carbon atoms symmetrically arranged, with six nuclei, each surrounded by six electrons circling in their various orbits. An atom’s nucleus, which contains the protons and neutrons, was initially thought to be very large. Now physicists know that the nucleus of atoms is exceedingly small. For instance, if the orbit of the innermost electron was the equivalent to the circumference of a sizeable room, the nucleus, according to Richard Feynman’s illustration, would be a bare speck of dust in the center of the room. The nucleus, is thus, in a sense, “deeper inside space” than the orbiting electrons (which, themselves, are spinning on their own axes). At the present time, it is still accepted that electrons (and photons) are “elementary particles”, that is, they do not appear to be composed of smaller components. The protons, however, are composed of three quarks, which, like the nucleus, can be seen as imbedded even more deeply in space. In any event, these elementary and subatomic particles may potentially be seen as doorways to other realms where our thoughts and the collective psyche dwell. It is here, in this subatomic realm, linked to inner space or hyperspace, where the fabric of normal space/time may be pierced.
If we compare the human brainl / mind to the computer model, we could see the brain, our bodies and the physical world as associated with the “hardware,” i.e, the actual computer. Normal communication would be analogous to sending information along transmission lines and via wireless communication. The actual information, equivalent to the mind, would be associated with the “software,” and cyberspace, a realm that can be accessed by every single computer linked to the web. This model can be seen as analogous to Jung’s idea of a collective psyche. One way or another, synchronistic phenomena involves the idea of mutual vibrations. Resonant effects and the principle of harmonics may also be utilised to access dimensions, which transcend the so-called physical plane of reality.3
Paul Kammerer saw synchronistic phenomena (seriality), comparable to gravity as a symmetrical tendency to bring like and like together. The ultimate unity of the cosmos is alluded to, and it can be explained by a variety of models, both material and psycho-spiritual. The ultimate concept discussed above, for instance, can be expanded to place the “I AM THAT I AM” in the center. Radiating out, stemming from inner-most space like expanding rings, would be first the initiating archetypes, then the collective psyche, the family unconscious, the personal unconscious of each individual, the preconscious and finally on the outward ring interacting with physical matter an awareness and self-awareness function called by Freud the conscious.
This Freudian/Jungian ultimate-shaped model links all people at the source. At the periphery we are individuals, but at the center we are one. David Bohm suggests that this ultimate mental realm would have an implicate and also an explicate order, unfolding and enfolding. Information can emanate out from the interior, or information can be absorbed back into the center from the outside. There are no real divisions in the universe, according to Bohm. Rather each part is just constructed from a different perspective.
This model, analogous to what Leibnitz called the monad theory is set up harmonically so that “the microcosm reflects the macrocosm.” This idea can be seen in Mach’s Principle, whereby it is well known that telepathic phenomena transcends distance, can pierce Faraday cages which screen out electromagnetic frequencies and so on. Thus, on one level, these kinds of synchronistic phenomena may be “beyond space and time.” Nevertheless, one way or another, at some point these occurrences must step themselves down to electromagnetic frequencies which are compatible with normal cognitive and brain wave functions. “the inertial forces experienced by a body in motion are determined by the quantity and distribution of matter in the universe,” that is to say, every part of the universe influences every other part, and by such phrases as “we are made in the image of God,” and the holographic concept whereby “each part codes for the whole.” What is so important about holography, is that we now have a working physical model that reflects this age old philosophical axiom.
To create a hologram, one starts with a single laser beam and splits it into two. One beam, called the information beam, bounces off the object and hits the film. This part of the process is essentially identical to how a normal camera works. The process becomes holographic because of the other beam known as the reference beam. This beam never sees the object but rather collides with the information beam just as the two simultaneously are hitting the photosensitive plate. Once the plate is developed, an interference pattern can be seen. If the original laser is brought around to the back of the processed film and beamed through the plate, the reference beam is essentially removed and what is left is a three-dimensional representation of the object being holographically photographed. Unlike a normal photograph, however, if the hologram is cut into 100 pieces, then there would be 100 full representations of the object. The entire picture is distributed throughout the entire hologram. An analogous situation would be a mirror. If one were to look at oneself in a mirror, there would be a single image. However, if the same mirror were broken into 100 small mirrors, each part would create an entire image of the person. In some special way, the whole is distributed throughout the parts. Synchronicity is very possibly a mental counterpart to the physical process of holography. Somehow the same event is distributed (sometimes in derivative form) to many different regions. The process of cloning and the phantom leaf effect in Kirlian photography are additional manifestations of this microcosmic/macrocosmic process.
Through brain-wave resonant effects, identical or similar information could arise in the consciousness of two individuals who share common neurophysiological characteristics. This model would support the finding that coincidences tend to occur between identical twins with more frequency than in the general population. Family “the inertial forces experience by the body in motion are determined by the quantity and the distribution of mater in the universe ” that is to say that every part of the universe influences every other part and by such phrases as we are made in the image of god and that
holographic concept whereby “each part codes for the whole.” What is so important about holography, is that we now have a working physical model that reflects this age old philosophical axiom.
To create a hologram, one starts with a single laser beam and splits it into two. One beam, called the information beam, bounces off the object and hits the film. This part of the process is essentially identical to how a normal camera works. The process becomes holographic because of the other beam known as the reference beam. This beam never sees the object but rather collides with the information beam just as the two simultaneously are hitting the photosensitive plate. Once the plate is developed, an interference pattern can be seen. If the original laser is brought around to the back of the processed film and beamed through the plate, the reference beam is essentially removed and what is left is a three-dimensional representation of the object being holographically photographed. Unlike a normal photograph, however, if the hologram is cut into 100 pieces, then there would be 100 full representations of the object. The entire picture is distributed throughout the entire hologram. An analogous situation would be a mirror. If one were to look at oneself in a mirror, there would be a single image. However, if the same mirror were broken into 100 small mirrors, each part would create an entire image of the person. In some special way, the whole is distributed throughout the parts. Synchronicity is very possibly a mental counterpart to the physical process of holography. Somehow the same event is distributed (sometimes in derivative form) to many different regions. The process of cloning and the phantom leaf effect in Kirlian photography are additional manifestations of this microcosmic/macrocosmic process.
Through brain-wave resonant effects, identical or similar information could arise in the consciousness of two individuals who share common neurophysiological characteristics. This model would support the finding that coincidences tend to occur between identical twins with more frequency than in the general population. Family members, or individuals who share an emotional bond or common interest would also be more likely to have synchronistic phenomena occur between them. Telepathy, as a form of synchronicity, may occur with greater frequency on unconscious levels than on conscious levels, as through dreams and supposed chance encounters. Transfer of information may also take place without the person or persons involved even knowing that synchronicity has occurred. For instance, if I had a dream about Wilt Chamberlain and never listened to the radio that morning, I would not have known that my psyche had possibly picked up information in an extrasensory fashion. Then, of course, I might have had the dream and not even remembered it on a conscious level!
In the case of The China Syndrome/Three Mile Island synchronicity, or birthday synchronicities between generations, the initiating factor stems from deeper strata that transcends our normal concepts of space and time. Generations come and go, but the psyche of the species human lives on. This, in essence, is Jung’s collective unconscious. Existing as an all-pervasive hyperspatial entity in its own right, the collective psyche too can initiate synchronistic phenomena in the same way that one twin can initiate it in the mind of another. On the periphery, we are separate, but at the core we are one. If an initiating archetype becomes manifest, it can apparently trigger similar events in different individuals, 1ocatio~s and situations. Resonance and harmonics would play a key role, as the two separate instances that are seen as coincidental are linked for the very reason that they are both similar, and recognized as such. What Jung saw as “acausal” on one level, is quite causal on a different level. Said in another way, the Three Mile Island disaster did not cause the making of The China Syndrome, nor did the film cause the accident, but both were “caused” by something else, an autonomous initiating archetype.
Synchronistic phenomena may be mental manifestations of a process similar to holography whereby each separate event is somehow linked to some central unifying source. The study of synchronicity may lead humans to uncover heretofore unknown layers of the psyche. Its study may also shed light on the relationship of the structure of the human mind to everyday events and the physical world.
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