
Hi Uri,

Just wanted to thank you – I have been feeling exceptional energy levels since late afternoon New York time.  I think it was yesterday I sent a reply to you after you sent a message in receipt of my mentioning I was already a member, to enter the contest for the quartz crystal.  In my message I said I hoped one day to have the exceptional level of energy and positivity that you do.

As mentioned above, since late this afternoon, I have had the most energy and clarity of my life so far. Keep in mind I am already basically a positive, energetic person, given some highs and lows with life’s challenges.  I have been flying so high, and made an excellent, delicious healthy dinner.  While eating dinner, I was reflecting and feeling grateful for my exceptional state of being, and then thoughts of you entered my mind.  And then I knew, you must have been sending energy because I have felt this way before and then found out in your facebook post you were sending all of us energy.  Yet today was even stronger!  And I felt you must have read my message to you.  Thank you so much!!!!

And all of the events in my life are going amazingly well.  I also meditate and follow a few other spiritual healers who I must also credit for my progress.  Yet I know without any doubt that what I felt this afternoon was from you, and my connection to you is a huge part of my life.  Thank you again for being such a guiding light for many of us on the planet right now.  Tomorrow in the States is the holiday of Thanksgiving, and you are one of the special people I am grateful for in my life.

Many blessings to you and your family.


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“Uri Geller gave an absolutely resonating talk on his life and career. He had every single magician in the room on the edge of their seats trying to digest as much information as they could. Uri emphasized that the path to frame is through uniqueness and charisma and that professional entertainers must be creative in their pursuits of success and never shy away from publicity.”

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“I Have watched Uri Geller… I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again.”

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“Better than watching Geller bending silver spoons, better than witnessing new born nebulae’s in bloom”


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