Sorry, I don’t write English very well . I can just write : Thank you for
yesterday evening. My spoon flew from my feet. You’re formidable !
xxxxxxx, Geneva (Switzerland)
—– Original Message —–
From: “Uri Geller”
To: xxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, June 14, 2009 8:39 PM
Subject: Re: émission Dechavanne
> Please write to me in English love Uri
> ——Original Message——
> From: xxxxxxx
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: émission Dechavanne
> Sent: 14 Jun 2009 20:35
> Bonsoir,
> Je me permets de vous féliciter pour votre passage hier soir sur TF1. La
> cuillère à soupe que j’avais posée sans trop y croire sur mon poste TV a
> litéralement volé jusqu’à mes pieds.
> Merci pour ce formidable moment
> xxxxxxx, Genève (Suisse)
> Please visit my website at www.urigeller.com
> I wish you plenty of good health, happiness and peace of mind. Be
> positive, optimistic and believe in yourself. Follow me on Twitter:
> gelleruri
> Much energy and love
> Uri
> From my BlackBerry
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