From: xxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2009 18:07:14 +0000
Subject: TV show in France, experience of the spoon, the 13th june
Hello Uri,
I am living in Switwerland, yesterday I watched on TV Les soirées de l’étrange.
You were there, and you made a test. We had to write the symbole we see, and we had to put a spoon on the TV.
I put the spoon on the TV and then I took a paper and a pen. I saw a star, when I draw a star on the paper and put the pen, I heard a big noise. The spoon had jumped on the TV and falled on the floor. The beginning of the spoon faced the TV, and the end of the spoon faced the place where I was sit.
My husband was with me, both of us we still to be shocked of what’s happend.
I tried today to put a spoon on the TV, and guess what, nothing happend.
You have a very strong spirit.
My husband and me we are happy to have lived that experience.
Take care of yourself,
best regards,
xxxxxxx x
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