Subject: You amazed my evening today
Sent: 13 Jun 2009 22:00
I am 18 and I live in Pau (Idron). I hugely tried to ring TF1 today the 13June 2009, to confirm that my spoon literally felt down. I placed it on top of my TV as you told us to do.My father and I were shocked.In addition i had the STAR symbol in mind even before you said the un deux trois..because when i looked into your eyes i could feel the word STAR in you.
I just want to thank you Uri, because nothing had never happened like that in my life. I think i actually have a positive ora because I strongly believed the star was the right symbol..i dont know how but i just felt it.
Thank you again.
Sincerely, before this show on TF1 i had never heard of you before..and the first time i saw you..you moved my spoon..thanks Uri
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