——Original Message——
From: xxxxx
To: [email protected]
Subject: Truly Amazing!
Sent: 5 May 2009 18:37
I am 53 year old kenyan and I have never met you. I am probably the only Kenya to ever contact you and to tell you how truly I am inspired by the way you have given inspiration and encouragement to millions. This I have gathered from your website although I heard about you and your unusual ability to bent cutlery in the 1970s.
I am a Christian and endeavor to know God more and more everyday of my life. However, I have never really discovered what He intended me to do to positively influence the lives of others. Part of my problem, I think, is low self esteem.
Please think of me and help me to be more positive and courageous.
Thanks and may God continue to bless you Uri.
I just want to thank God for using you to positively.
Uri, I was so delighted to receive a personal response from you within 3 hours of my writing, I am just recovering from excitement. That you actually responded personally boggles my mind considering that you receive messages globally. I cannot thank you enough and want to let you know that I do not remember when I last felt as positive as today. Please continue to pray for me and others around me.
I too am in prayer for you.
God bless you
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