
Uri, I dont want to bother you on the weekend, but I forgot, yesterday when I sent you my email I honestly dident expect you to reply, I dident even think youd read it, and if I knew you would have responded I would have made sure I sent you my email without spelling errors. You asked if you could put it up on your webpage, if you do no problem, if you dont thats okay too, but in any case the spelling errors are corrected. Again, thanks in advance for the picture, Ill frame it and keep it in my office for positive sales power. I ordered a copy of Ella on Alibris I cant wait to read it, thanks for directing me to that website. My letter is honest, and true, Im sick and tired of seeing Uri Geller trashtalk, people need to look at the positive things you do, charity work, i mean, what have skeptics ever done for the world? Absolutely nothing, you;ve done more for charity in 1 year than any skeptic has done in thier lifes, and again, so, just so you know I dont care about a spoon bending, although its GENIUS, people need to start looking at the good youve done, the entertaining entertainment youve provided, etc, etc, anyways, have a good weekend, the edited email is below again if you want it use it, if you dont dont, at the end of the day I’m just happen I had a chance to say hello.


Dear Uri Geller, this is the last email I send to you, I know you are busy and will not reply, but I cannot rest until I thank you for your contribution and positive impact you’ve made on the world. Now, I don’t care if it’s real, or if it’s not real, that’s not what’s important here, what’s important, and what people forget is that in either case you are a GENIUS! I AM CONVINCED of this fact because after reading your entire life’s history, and almost every report I could find written by anyone who has spent any amount of time with you, documentaries, etc, this fact becomes obvious. I would like to tell you three things, 1, how I feel about you if you are a fraud, 2, how I feel about you if your real, and 3, why you have made the largest impact on my life and how you are the model of what I aspire to be.
Lets say for argument sakes you do what you did in the beginning fraudulently, YOU SHOULD STILL BE APPLAUDED. To come out of Israel, even after having been attacked by ruthless sceptics is an extraordinary accomplishment alone, and to end up in the United States, and actually MAKE IT is a MIRACLE! Lets say , I believe in you, but lets say you are fake, and you did all of your “tricks” fraudulently, there are a few things I’d like to say. AFTER 40 YEARS people still haven’t figured it out! Back in the 70’s they didn’t have design duplication boards, IF YOU DID THIS ALL BY PEEKING that’s EVEN MORE INCREDIBLE then if you did it for real. Uri, I read book after book from every and any mentalist I can find and guess what, what they are full of things you were doing 40 years ago, things like “psychological/statistical forces” for example, you were doing 40 years ago! EVERY SINGLE DECENT MENTALIST I’ve ever seen is doing WHAT YOU DID 40 YEARS AGO!! If there was no Uri Geller there wouldnt be mentalism. THIS IS THE FACT, magicians CANNOT duplicate what you do, you’ve said they can, but they cannot, at least not under the SAME CONDITIONS! If you did it fraudulently, you did it gimmick free meaning it wasn’t fraudulent, even if it was, do you know what I mean? James Randi toured the world with a show that was based on disproving what you do, but if he had nothing to disprove and no spoons to bend he’d be a nothing, nobody. Sceptics would never be on T.V. or have anything to do if there were no people out there challenging them, YOU MAKE THE WORLD BETTER FOR SCEPTICS AND BELIEVERS! Uri, at the end of the day you are an inspiration to poor people everywhere, you HAVE MADE AN ENOURMOUS impact because everyone who comes from where you came from and went through what you went through (war, injury, financial difficulties, ruthless attackes etc) knows that someone who actually went through what they did made it, and we all have this ability. I HAVE NOTHING, NO FAMILY, NOTHING, but out of NOTHING, if someone can CREATE SOMETHING from something as simple as PEEKING and SPOONBENDING, that’s even more INCREDIBLE THAN IT BEING REAL! YOU CREATED THIS GENRE!! YOU CREATED MENTALISM, you created “effects” that people have made millions of dollars duplicating, whether its real or not doesn’t matter at all. Ive read book after book, metal bending this, watch effects, telekinesis, telepathy that, and you know, I HAVE NOT EVER FOUND MAGIC BOOKS OR MENTALIST BOOKS THAT EXPLAIN OR EXACTLY DUPLICATE HOW YOU DID WHAT YOU DID, and that’s a FACT, YOU CAN UNDERSTAND HOW INCREDIBLE THIS IS? IF PEEKING AND BENDING A SPOON MADE YOU MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND GOT YOU OUT OF ISRAEL INTO PRESTIGIOUS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORIES THAT’S MORE AMAZING THAN ANY PSYCHIC MIRACLE IVE EVER HEARD OF!!!!! Who cares how it was done, you came from nothing, and made something of yourself, your more of an inspiration to me AS A FRAUD (even though I know your not) than anyone ELSE EVER WHO isn’t.
Number 2, I don’t care if your real or not, and I don’t want to know, but I feel so bad for how you were attacked. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR NOT SUCKING THE SWEET MYSTERY OUT OF MY LIFE, maybe I don’t want you to tell me you’re a fraud! I LIKE SEEING ENTERTAINERS MAKING ENTERTAINING CLAIMS, PERIOD. No one does that anymore, I think you are genuine, but even if not, that’s AN ENTERTAINING CLAIM!!!!
Nobody likes someone with a negative attitude, when I saw your interview with Ben Harris, I WAS SHOCKED by how professional you handled that, Uri, that interview WAS GENIOUS!!!!! people cant not like you! Ben Harris says “ its not psychic, you’re a magician etc etc” and that was very very rude, I would have lost my temper , INSTEAD YOU TOOK THE HIGH ROAD, and said calmly, “if you don’t want to believe that’s okay with me too” your whole psychological approach is absolutely GENIUS! Your always well mannered and very well spoken in situations I get nervous just looking at|!
No one likes a jerk who tells you your stupid for believing in something, ALL YOU DID WAS TELL PEOPLE THE POWER OF THE MIND IS IMMENSE, USE IT, ACTIVATE IT AND THAT IS TRUE!!!! I believe you are genuine because you are PROOF that POSITIVE THINKING and PRAYER works! You are a successful handsome millionaire! You have charisma I have never seen before EVER. You keep looking for the next Uri Geller, and you know, you’ll never find it. You could have played tic-tack-toe and still became what you were on personality alone. I have seen so many of your interviews and at the end of each one my jaw is dropped by how well you handle yourself. Negative people with negative attitudes are losers and will remain losers in life. YOU ARE A WINNER, you have a positive attitude, you tell people don’t smoke, don’t do drugs, believe in yourself!!!! This is why you are my role model, because you are in fact genuine and you aren’t saying anything that’s not true, and what you say its always POSITIVE. You give people hope, you don’t shatter there dreams and call them stupid for believing in things that science CANT PROVE.
You know, you should say, ILL PROVE MY ABILITIES SCIENTIFICALLY, WHEN YOU PROOVE YOUR SCIENTIFIC ABILITIES! Scientists still haven’t figured out how dolphins communicate telepathically, and scientists want to waste your time testing you?! Come on, that is ridiculous! (AND DIDENT YOU ALREADY PROVE IT? Kent State, University of London) ABSENCE OF EVIDENCE IS NOT EVIDENCE OF ABSENCE, maybe it’s the scientist problem they dotn test for it correctly, that’s not your problem, but anyways, Genuine psychic OR NOT YOU PROOVE WHAT YOU SAY IS TRUE BECAUSE YOU ARE LIVING PROOF!! Sceptics are sad depressed angry old men and women, and so are all the other jerks who attacked you, can you imagine how sad life would be if we dident believe in anything? If we spent our whole lifes arguing with people all the time, everyday, I get sad just thinking about people who think like that… obviously it pays to be positive, you are proof!
Uri at the end of the day I can go on and on and on. I don’t want nothing from you BUT I do have a request…
If you email me and just say Hi, I read your email, Thanks for being an Uri supporter ill be happy, if you mailed me a signed postcard, that would be incredible, but if you do nothing that’s okay too,
If you are a fraud, you have made an AMAZINGLY POSITIVE impact on the world, you created SOMETHING from NOTHING, you are a GENUIS, that’s a FACT. Forget spoon bending, you’re an entrepreneur, artist, author, motivator, and theres nothing fraud about that, your real, you did it, its real.
If you are genuine, you have made an AMAZINGLY POSITIVE impact on the world, your proof, you’re a living example of positive thinking, you prove the power of belief beats disbelief. You are a wealthy, healthy, successful, millionaire with a personality I’ve never seen before, and you look 20 years younger than your age, BUT You tell people to believe in themselves, don’t smoke, set a goal to go to University, you are real, the positive impact you make in peoples lives tramples the negativity of sceptical losers.
Again, you are real because you are living proof that being positive works, and the power of the mind can accomplish things the layperson simply cannot grasp.
In either case you are my role model, and I look up to you as the model of everything I aspire to be in life!
God Bless! Your #1 Supporter – A


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“There is no spoon!”

The Matrix

“The world needs your amazing talents. I need them”

Michael Jackson

“Uri Geller gave an absolutely resonating talk on his life and career. He had every single magician in the room on the edge of their seats trying to digest as much information as they could. Uri emphasized that the path to frame is through uniqueness and charisma and that professional entertainers must be creative in their pursuits of success and never shy away from publicity.”

Tannens Magic Blog

“The man is a natural magician. He does everything with great care, meticulous misdirection and flawless instinct. The nails are real, the keys are really borrowed, the envelopes are actually sealed, there are no stooges, there are no secret radio devices and there are no props from the magic catalogues.”

James Randi (In an open letter to Abracadabra Magazine)

“Absolutely amazing”

Mick Jagger

“Truly incredible”

Sir Elton John

“Eternity is down the hall And you sit there bending spoons In your mind, in your mind”

Johnny Cash

“I Have watched Uri Geller… I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again.”

Clint Eastwood

“Better than watching Geller bending silver spoons, better than witnessing new born nebulae’s in bloom”


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