Hello Uri,
I don’t know if you still remember us, but you asked me specifically to send you an email. My son and I asked you for an extra to write on our tickets because xxxx father xxx, how is passed away, was a big fan of you just as his son is now. You asked how he passed and our answer was of alcoholisme. Your reaction was hart warming, because I want to show xxxx the danger of alcohol and drugs. I can only hope he realise this in life and he won’t start using either one of these things. It’s almost three years sins xxx left our earth to move on to a next life. Thom has regular meetings with his Father in an other level (this is something most people dont understand, but because you don’t believe in death I think you do understand). xxxx is a very special boy, not as a mentalist but on a spiritual level. He is able to see things other people cannot. He knows about this and he knows he cannot tell this to every body. I allways try to bring him in contact with people of the same level, so he can learn things from them that I and school cannot. xxxx hopes he will meet you again in life, because everytime he sees you he get a lott of possitif feelings.
We enjoyed your show yesterday and hope to see you back in The Netherlands soon.
Dearest reagards xxxxxx and xxxxxx
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