Uri Hello, my name is <name removed for privacy> and I am 44 years old. I remember as a child that you often saw on TV and played to try to bend spoons, but we never thought they were so successful and tricks of illusion.
But Friday night, 11 / January / 2013 here in Italy, during your performance of magic in the program “The Great Magic – The Illusionist” in my house, I did as you said and I put the spoon on the TV, and while my wife and my daughter rubbed the keys sitting on the couch, SPOON is REALLY FLOWN UNDER our incredulous eyes. is YOUR BLOWN TO US VIOLENTLY FOR ABOUT 2 METERS! Since that time I always think all the time. What do you mean? What does this mean? Please answer with just a little word that could make me think of something rational.
Thank you
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