If you wish to practice with Uri please click on this link
Join Uri Geller, The World’s Most Famous Psychic, AND Richard Knight In This Groundbreaking Programme Where They Help YOU To Activate Your FULL Psychic Potential With Never-Before-Shared Insights Which ANYONE Can Use, No Matter Where You Are On Your Path Of Psychic Development
‘The Geller Effect’ is an incredible resource (possibly the largest ever compiled) from THE WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS PSYCHIC. Uri reveals his exact practices, meditations, and techniques alongside his good friend, Richard Knight. You will learn techniques for developing profound remote viewing skills, supercharging your Psychic Potential and mind power, and even how to materialise what you want into reality. Plus, much, much, more! The launch date is the 7th November 2022 when the first 3 modules will be released. Each week thereon-in until completion, one module will be released.Read more
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Motivational, inspirational, empowering compelling 'infotainment' which leaves the audience amazed, mesmerized, motivated, enthusiastic, revitalised and with a much improved positive mental attitude, state of mind & self-belief.