The Millennium Calling
8th Jan 1999
The London Evening Standard Magazine
The final countdown
One thing is certain: you may only just have recovered from New Year, but 357 days from now you’ll be nursing the effects of your first, and possibly worst, hangover of the next Millennium. But how will you see out 1999 and bring in Y2K? Whether you fancy jogging around the Dome, entering a beauty contest in Nuku’alofa, or working an extra shift at Safeway, John Hind has the millennial experience for you
01 Being in bed early, ‘as normal’, like, or with, Alan Clark.
02 Home alone, trying to connect with the Millennium Dome Internet site (
03 At the birthday party for dishevelled GMTV presenter Fiona Phillips, who will turn 40 at midnight. Presenter Penny Smith will be there, probably in a backless dress.
04 At the Ritz Millennium Gala In the Louis XVI restaurant (£1,300+, Including Highland piper, fireworks, champagne reception and dinner).
05 Queuing for a cashpoint machine. It has been suggested that 100 years of interest may be added to some account balances when bank and building-society computers mistake one minute into the year 2000 for one minute into 1900. (Five million Londoners are expected to use cash machines during the Millennium holiday, withdrawing over 22,000,000,000.)
06 Under Big Ben, with Uri Geller, who will be attempting to stop the clock.
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