The Way of the Explorer


Click for an extract from the book.

Dr Edgar D. Mitchell S.C.D. with Dwight Williams wrote this book. Here are some quotes from those who have read it.

“In the history of the human race, twelve people have set foot on the moon. Now one of them has written an important book, which is an account of a modern-day Hero’s Journey. Like the mythical heroes of legend, astronaut Mitchell pursued a vision, ventured on a quest, risked great danger, and obtained uncommon wisdom. Now he, like the greatest heroes, has returned to share it. We would be wise to listen.”
Larry Dossey, M.D. Author of Healing Words and Recovering the Soul.

“Profound and articulate. Everyone has talked about science and religion, and how modern viewpoints should be able to bring them together. But Edgar Mitchell has really dug into the main paradoxical issues and come up with a resolving viewpoint. An inspiring piece of literature!”
Harold E. Puthoff, PhD. Physicist, Institute for Advanced Studies.

“Edgar Mitchell presages the science of the twenty-first century… His dyadic model is a breakthrough in the scientific understanding of reality.”
Dr. Ervin Laszlo Advisor to the Director General, UNESCO, and President, International Society for Systems and Sciences.

“Edgar Mitchell ushers in new concepts challenging science and religion, and makes us think differently and more appreciatively about life on this planet. And not only Mitchell is the explorer in this book — so are we. The Way of the Explorer is an awesome educational experience.”
The Reverend Canon William V. Rauscher, Rector, Christ Church, Woodbury, New Jersey, and Honorary Canon, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Trenton.

“Reading astronaut Mitchell’s story is like reading a long-awaited letter from a friend — a friend who has journeyed far and wide and seen so much beyond most of us that we read with bated breath. Mitchell’s writing is exciting, insightful, and majestic, at once a logical scientific and moving spiritual vision. As I read the book I felt I was looking through his eyes, sensing the unity of the world, and seeing our planet and the universe for the first time.”
Fred Alan Wolfe. Author of The Dreaming Universe, Taking the Quantum leap, and Soul evidence.


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