Uri Geller returns library book 47 years late
It was better late than never for spoon-bending performer Uri Geller.
The self-proclaimed psychic recently made a nearly five decades old discovery when rummaging through some cardboard boxes in his storage unit in Israel.
He found a book – about himself – that he had checked out of the Los Angeles Public Library 47 years prior.
Mr Geller borrowed The Geller Papers in January 1977.
“I slash open the tape and I start pulling out the books and lo-and-behold the yellow paper is in front of my eyes,” he told BBC News.
The showman, now in his 70s, said that he left Israel in 1972 for the United States to participate in several CIA-conducted experiments looking into his purported psychic powers.
A group of scientists further investigated Mr Geller, leading to publication of The Geller Papers in 1976.
It includes a collection of scientific papers that detail the investigations and experiments conducted on him when he was in the US.
The book, like Mr Geller, is well-travelled.
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