Uri stops the bacon counter

6th March 1998

Vegetarian Society

Vegetarian Uri Geller to use Mindpower to stop offensive sizzling bacon poster

Uri Geller today contacted The Vegetarian Society to voice his outrage at a ‘sizzling’, animated Danish Bacon poster site that is offensive to vegetarians. Uri Geller is today attempting to bend the poster mechanism, by focusing the power of his mind. The poster site features a vegetarian counter, that decreases as people pass the site and a sizzling bacon sound effect.

The vegetarian Society and Uri Geller are calling on vegetarians and vegans across Britain to help Uri Geller bring an end to this offensive and misleading campaign. At 4.00pm today Uri Geller will be at the poster site on Cromwell Road, London, next to the Swallow Hotel, focusing his powers in order to twist the mechanism within the poster.

“This form of advertising is completely offensive to vegetarians, like myself. The only legal way to bring an end to this, is using the power of my mind. I am inviting fellow vegetarians across the United Kingdom to help me and use their positive Mindpower. I will need all the energy I can summon. Vegetarians are morally opposed to the slaughter of animals and the smell of roasting flesh is never going to persuade them to try it” said Uri Geller.

For further information please call Chris Dessent in the press office on 0161 928 0793, out of office hours 0973 108 167


6th March 1998



Uri Geller channels veggie Mindpower to stop offensive poster campaign

Uri Geller today succeeded in disabling a mechanical counter, used as part of a Danish Bacon campaign, using the power of his mind. Uri Geller was helped by vegetarians from The Vegetarian Society and elsewhere who channeled their thoughts to help Uri Geller increase his powers.

The poster on Cromwell Road, London SW5 is part of a 2 million pound campaign, organised by the Danish Bacon and Meat Council. The poster showing a picture of rashers being grilled, features a counter depicting the effect of the poster on passing traffic. The number of vegetarians, featured on the counter, slowly falls as the poster supposedly converts them back to Meat.

“I can take a joke like any other vegetarian” said Uri Geller “but I found this campaign deeply offensive. The vegetarian Society and I decided that the only legal option was to use my brain power to stop the counter mechanism and that is just what I did. I don’t know exactly what happened whether the mechanism exploded or was bent or twisted but it stopped. I had witnesses with me and took photographic and film evidence. Meat free Mindpower really does work!”

The Vegetarian Society is delighted at the news that Uri Geller has succeeded in ending this offensive campaign.

“It is obvious that vegetarians not only have great taste when it comes to food but they also have amazing will power. The meat industries gimmicks have no chance with such veggie power!” said Steve Connor, Head of Public Affairs for The Vegetarian Society.

The Vegetarian Society believes that the targeting of vegetarians for a bacon promotion, reveals just how desperate the meat industry is for customers. Most pigs in the UK are intensively reared and confined throughout their lives. 300,000 pigs are killed each week in the UK for food.

For further information please call Chris Dessent in the press office on 0161 928 0793, out of office hours 0973 108 167

The Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom Limited

Parkdale Dunham Road Altringham Cheshire WA1 4 4QG

Tel: 0161 928 0793 Fax: 0161 926 9182 www.vegsoc.org

Registered Charity No.259358 Registered company No.959115

Patrons Paul and Linda McCartney


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“Eternity is down the hall And you sit there bending spoons In your mind, in your mind”

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“I Have watched Uri Geller… I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again.”

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