The Mirror
2004-01-06 19:33
When people tell me that something is impossible because the chances of ‘a million to one,’ I reply that all chances are 50-50. Either something happens or it doesn’t.
Is the world going to avert war in Iraq? It’s 50-50 – we’ll either achieve peace or we won’t. I pray we do. And will mankind learn to harness our innate telepathic powers? That’s a 50-50 chance too – believe, and it could happen.
We’ve had some extraordinary results with my psychic challenge with callers consistently picking the image that I am telepathically beaming out. Now let’s make it simpler – by going 50-50!
Here are two simple symbols, an arrow pointing upwards and another pointing down. I have fixed one of these in my mind – but which is it?
Logic suggests that 50 per cent of you will guess one arrow, and 50 per cent the other. But, by tuning in to your sixth sense, you can beat the odds. If we can achieve a huge swing for one arrow or the other, that’s positive proof of your telepathic power.
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