Y-Not Music
March 29, 2000
City of London Recorder
The legendary Uri Geller has expanded his operations beyond the world of spoon-bending after teaming up with Benfleet-based fitness music production company Y-Not Music. The result is the world’s first Mind/Body workout and it’s coming to a highstreet near you soon. Geller had originally set uyp the project with Matt Fiddes, the 1988 World Freestyle Kick Boxing Champion.
This unique combination soon became fruitful and a two part soundtrack was created. The first was a 30-minute relaxation session and the second was a slightly longer kick-box Aerobic workou. The soundtrack is now availale on a double-CD from Y-Not Music and the video will shortly be available in all god record stores. For more info or to ordder your CD, you can visit the Y-Not Music website at http://www.ynotmusic.co.uk
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