Great Minds think Alike

By Alan Domvillie

From The Warrington Guardian

Great minds think alike Why didn’t God send a plague on the Nazis at the time of the Holocaust? Why is it that it inwarriington the most affluent nations on Earth one in three are on anti-depressants? Are the 10 Commandments still relevant in the 21st century?
Since the days of the patriarchs we have constantly been seeking answers to questions — and deep down we know we are never going to get  most. of  them.
But that shouldn’t stop us from taking a stab at them. After all that’s the basis of philosophy and reasoning and Lent and the Feast of the Passover are ideal moments to consider higher matters. Two great thinkers of our time. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach  and the controversial paranormalist Un
Geller, could hardly have come from different cultures and standpoints though they have been great friends for years — and in their correspondence over two years they have discussed a whole raft of questions that have caused mankind to look into the self since, as the “Camelot” song goes, ~‘the whole rigmarole began.” Now we are able to be privy to their musings and conclusions thanks to the publication of Confessions of a Rabbi and a Psychic.
The bearded rabbi is a wise, open-minded sceptic who trusts his dagger eyes and religious instincts; Un, also a Jew, is the anti-establishment man who performs seemingly impossible
feats of metal-bending and who honestly admits he hasn’t found a single explanation for so much that  he knows to be true. At one point, Un writes that he feels a terrific flow of energy flowing between himself and Shmuley; it is something that the reader of any faith or none at all can
also share. As we grow older we become mature — but, writes Shmuley, substitute that for “cynical, untrusting, manipulative and scheming.” It is the innocents who still inherit the Garden of Eden, he says — “Why our children of course.”
“The average child smiles 74 times a day, the average adult only nine.”
Confessions of a Rabbi and a Psychic:


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