Uri to help Reading

Use fanpower and help Royals win

SONNING psychic Uri Geller is throwing his clock-stopping spoon-bending Mindpower behind the Royals.uri

Uri is working through the Evening Post to use psychic “fanpower” to give our boys the edge in their crunch promotion match against Brentford tomorrow.

The Royals must win or draw at Bees’ home ground, Griffin Park to guarantee themselves a place in the First Division.

Uri is a Royals fan and he believes the force of united Mindpower can be used to give the players the extra boost they need to take them to victory.

He said: “I believe that we all have Mindpower and I believe that Mindpower is related to positive thinking. I also believe that we are all – all humanity – attached to each other with an invisible spiritual thread through which we can direct energy into emotions and positive thinking.

“This is what I will be asking the Reading fans to do – to concentrate that part of the brain that we each do not use and send the Reading players the surge of pure positive thinking with the words ‘Win, Reading, Win’.

“It is also important to use your powers of visualisation to see Reading players
playing in a little window in your mind and visualise yourself jumping up and down and cheering.

“Obviously I am not a miracle worker and there is no doubt that this will be a tough game, but I think I have been successful in the past.

“Of course we all know that 95 per cent is really down to the players and their talents on the pitch.

“There is also that gap of five per cent which is ‘fan power’ and the energy that we can release in the stadium.

“Reading players could feel the positive thought that you will be emitting towards them and they will excel from their own talents and the talents which come out when they feel the concentration of thought from the fans that tell them they are going to win.”

Uri is also inviting any fans who want to ask him questions to contact him through his website www.urigeller.com where they will find his e-mail address.

If Reading win or draw at Brentford tomorrow afternoon the players will travel on an open deck bus on Sunday through Friar Street then the length of Basingstoke Road to the Holiday Inn roundabout.

It will then travel down Imperial Way onto the A33 and arrive at Madejski Stadium at about 4pm.

Any other information concerning Sunday you may have read elsewhere is incorrect and the above arrangement are those which will apply if
promotion is clinched.


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“There is no spoon!”

The Matrix

“The world needs your amazing talents. I need them”

Michael Jackson

“Uri Geller gave an absolutely resonating talk on his life and career. He had every single magician in the room on the edge of their seats trying to digest as much information as they could. Uri emphasized that the path to frame is through uniqueness and charisma and that professional entertainers must be creative in their pursuits of success and never shy away from publicity.”

Tannens Magic Blog

“The man is a natural magician. He does everything with great care, meticulous misdirection and flawless instinct. The nails are real, the keys are really borrowed, the envelopes are actually sealed, there are no stooges, there are no secret radio devices and there are no props from the magic catalogues.”

James Randi (In an open letter to Abracadabra Magazine)

“Absolutely amazing”

Mick Jagger

“Truly incredible”

Sir Elton John

“Eternity is down the hall And you sit there bending spoons In your mind, in your mind”

Johnny Cash

“I Have watched Uri Geller… I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again.”

Clint Eastwood

“Better than watching Geller bending silver spoons, better than witnessing new born nebulae’s in bloom”


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