cate-testimonial Testimonials26


Dear Uri Geller,
I always wanted to believe in magic but i could never prove to myself or anyone else that it does exist and trully believe to it. And watching the show from cyprus i always came up with some ideas to explain how things happen. But ok, when i saw it with my own eyes..! I fainted! Nooo i didnt but i was close.. Tables moving in front of me, and todays experiment.. The picture of my dead grandmother fell of the wall and it was hanging high, a meter or so and not only it fell along with some other pictures the glass didnt have a single scratch..! And my brother’s glasses broke! They were separated from the middle literally! At least my father stoped giggling on the sound of your name! I can’t describe my enthousiasm even like this:

But perhaps u could feel it 😉 Now really my question is, does a person always have these abilities somewere inside him, or is it like a very special talent? I really hope its not like that so i could discover something inside me 🙂 I know that usually people misanderstand such things especially in Cyprus they say its to do with devols and you know the usual stuff. Bet you heard it lots of times. I think that everything is crub and if you ever find some time i would love to read what you think about those things, your opinions and you to explain how everyhting happens and how you feel. Hope you find time!
Lots of love,..! 🙂 xxx

hello mr. Uri im 12 years old and im from greece.i wanted to tell you that at your last performance at greek uri geller show worked for us at home!we put a cell phone on our t.v and it move twards the right.also i would like you to know that i love your work and that you inspire me!thank you for reading..

Hi Mr.Uri.My name is and im from Cyprus-Nicosia.I knew about you before you made your show in Greece watching a program about your life!I dont believe the bad things that people are telling about you.I believe that you are a chosen man of God!!I believe this cause every time you talk you are talking from your heart.And you are doing this because you have a piece of God inside of you!You know Mr Uri that everything happen for a reason!!And God always choose strange ways to learn His power ,……and i believe that cross my hard,……..discovering our own !!!!Anyway Mr. Uri i hope to understand what im trying to say.By the way your welcome in my house anytime you want because the people of Israel and Cyprus are one!!!My adress is
Best regards

Hey uri!!!!!how are you?i’m remember me?lol well..i’m kinda sad the truth is!!that the show ended!!and i have my fingers crossed there will be 2nd season!and 3rd and 4th and so on!!!!thank you soooo much for these great saturday nights!!!!they were all magical!!!!i’m gonna miss this show an awfull lot!!!lol the good thing with this show for me was that i didn’t mind for anyone winning!i like them all equal!have them also on fb and they’re all very nice :-)!this show was the best for me coz i can see magics all day every day!!!and i believe in it!!!some ppl don’t want to accept that some other ppl have more powers and abilities than them!but i do!!!i wanted to be there tonight so much!had also called for seats!but i got kinda sick and they weren’t lettin me get out so that i don’t get worse….it was a vey big honour for me to meet you!!!!!!keep beein so down to earth and the simple human you are!plzzzzz return soon with a show here and don’t forget us!!!!i’ll be waaaaaaitin for the 2nd season!i hope it won’t be late!well uri! congrats once again for this great show,kalh sunexeia and i hope we’ll be in touch :-)!i wish you to have an amazing new year,your best so far and everythin to come as you expect!!!!always to have health!you and the persons you love!!!many kisses and i hope i’ll manage to meet you again soon!!!(sorry i wrote so much!)

Love and respect,

my name is 17 years old, and i am a big fan of yours, since the first time you visited Greece, 3-5 years ago!!
Today, i was watching the big Final, put my cell phone on the tv, as you said, and i said “κινησου”(move) !
And guess what!! it moved!! Only a few centimetres, but i’m sure that i saw it moving, because i have marked the position at first!!!
i couldn’t believe my eyes! unfortunatelly i couldn’t take a video of this amazing phenomenon, as my cell phone was on the tv…i don’t know who’s gonna believe me now, but i don’t really care as i saw it!!!!!!

I am really grateful Uri!!
I really thank you!!

I left an empty cigarete package on the table in front of the TV. It rotated counter clock wise for a centimeter the most

First of All gongratulations you was exellent on Ant1……I want to say that i put a coin on TV and i was watching you trick……when all children the second time said moveeeeeeeeeee my coin jump but with little power!!!!and the important is that im not ling…….i love you and i am your biggest fan….you must to know that all day im trying your tricks but……nothing!!!!plz if you answer me send me your msn if you want because i want with all my heart to meet you xxxx

Dear Uri . at the last project when everyone say KINISOU. 40 of my cd case which i have above of my tv , were at the left side to the north and the left at the right side at the south , this it was the one . behind me , on one shell some of my shot glass collection felt down and they broke. it was suprise and shocking for me. i believe in superior powers but never from the distance . i must say also that i m from Cyprus. only one word AMAZING

Dear Mr. Uri Geller,

I wish to congratulate you and to tell you that I have been watching your shows through Antena t.v in Greece.
I am amazed first of all with your kind nature and that you always have such a caring smile on your face, that is very inspirational.
Also at the amazing blessing that you have from up above to tap into you inner strength.

I must confess that I wish to also ask you for a huge favour (if this is possible), I am going through a very rough time (last ten years), financially. Unfortnately due to many sad events in my life things have not turned out too good for me. I do understand that you are not a miracle maker, but I do believe in the power of positive thinking and the incredible power it has to transform one’s life.
Due to many unfortunate events, I have lost all ability to think positively regarding finances. Please don’t get me wrong, I am a well educated and decent young lady, with a stable job, however, due to unfortunate events my family and I lost everything we owned and I am out of my mind trying to find a way to get our heads above water.

All I ask is for you to please send me positive energy concerning my finances. I wish to win the Jackpot lottery here on Thursday night, but I doubt that you will read this e-mail in time. I cannot stress enough how desperate my situtation is, so if you could please be kind enough to please dedicate 5 minutes of your precious time and somehow send me this positive energy. You have no idea how much I will appreciate it.

I pray that my e-mail reaches you soon as I am feeling so hopeless and helpess.

I wish to mention to you once again that you are a remarkable person and am pleased to see this amazing gift the our good Lord has blessed you with, makes so many people happy.

May God bless you & your family always and I wish you from the bottom of my heart a beautiful, peaceful and blessed 2010.

I await in anticipation for your kind reply and thank you.

With kindest regards,

URI I watch the all duration show in Greece and with you have impressed despite very with the simplicity and your good character


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“There is no spoon!”

The Matrix

“The world needs your amazing talents. I need them”

Michael Jackson

“Uri Geller gave an absolutely resonating talk on his life and career. He had every single magician in the room on the edge of their seats trying to digest as much information as they could. Uri emphasized that the path to frame is through uniqueness and charisma and that professional entertainers must be creative in their pursuits of success and never shy away from publicity.”

Tannens Magic Blog

“The man is a natural magician. He does everything with great care, meticulous misdirection and flawless instinct. The nails are real, the keys are really borrowed, the envelopes are actually sealed, there are no stooges, there are no secret radio devices and there are no props from the magic catalogues.”

James Randi (In an open letter to Abracadabra Magazine)

“Absolutely amazing”

Mick Jagger

“Truly incredible”

Sir Elton John

“Eternity is down the hall And you sit there bending spoons In your mind, in your mind”

Johnny Cash

“I Have watched Uri Geller… I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again.”

Clint Eastwood

“Better than watching Geller bending silver spoons, better than witnessing new born nebulae’s in bloom”


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