cate-testimonial Testimonials26


Hello Mr Uri Geller! I am I am 14 years old and i am from Greece! I saw you in TV and i am really excited about what i saw! I really want to communicate with you because i have a lot of questions to do. I employ with your information, and mainly with super natural forces! Please if you can reply, i will be very happy!

Thank you Mr Uri Geller! Merry Xmas, and happy new year! Hope you have fun in Christmas days! 🙂

i cant tell you how happy i was to receive your cards this christmas eve. i will now put them in my daughter in laws parcel. thankyou so much.You are a true gentleman. happy christmas i know you have made mine special.

Dear Uri,
Happy Birthday!!!! I would never forget your birthday ;-))))
Hope you’ve had a great day,Sir!?
Go and get some rest- the world needs you and I need “Uri Geller” more than you can imagine 🙂
All the best to you and your family.
By the way…you look awesome on the photos you uploaded on Twitter <3 I wish you a great Christmas-time and all the best for 2010! Hope to see/meet you here in Germany soon. Love to you... Gladbeck, Germany

Was it a coincidence? I was at the Salvador airport with a pocket book about you i bought august 26 3 days before. I didnt know you were coming to Salvador .During 3 days i was repeating:”Uri, i want to get in touch with you”. I want to know about my lost brother and about lost cities in Brazil ,Ufos, etc.
Suddenly i saw you coming from the plane.It was the last passenger.I asked Are You Uri Geller? I was there by chance that day, It was a telephatic phenomena! And that book in my hands!!! I showed u the book etc.You asked me if i was from the press.You didnt aprove that book (amazing Uri) told me to read also “my story” etc.
I met a friend there.He was with a polaroydI asked him a favor .I keep the photo.Next day i went to the theatre and managed to get into the dressing room, And you bent a key for me .In front of my eyes, . When i arrived home that night, one of my keys there was also bent.
You changed my life.
Happy birthday Uri Geller.

Dear Uri

I had to send you a personal email to say that I’ve just bought your Kheper ring from the QVC website for my Mum’s birthday in December, and it is absolutely beautiful! The quality of the chequerboard cutting is superb and the shine is amazing. She will love it! I always make a big thing of Christmas and her birthday separately so she doesn’t lose out as so many people do this time of year. The presents are mounting up as I speak! I do feel very lucky to still have her around as like me, she’s got through so many illnesses, but still bounces back. We have always been the sort of people to ‘suffer in silence’ and just get on with life, whatever it throws at us, and try and look on the bright side. What I’m trying to say, is that your view of ‘Positive Thinking’ is really very true – you have to make your own happiness as it won’t come to you. Uri, I love watching your shows on QVC, and have also been a keen fan of yours for your other talents too. Keep up the fantastic work, and hope you have a wonderful Christmas & New Year. Lots of Love, xx (Oh by the way, would it be possible to have a signed picture of you as there wasn’t a romance card in the ring box? I know you’re very busy, but I would be very grateful, thanks)

Dear Uri hello and happy birthday!

I’m a 31 year old woman from Greece. I see you on the ant1’s tv show in Greek tv on ”who’s the next Uri Geller” and i’m glad about it. The reason why i’m sending you this mail is to THANK YOU because thanks to you i quit smoking!This happened when you came to Kostas Hardavelas show in Greece a few years earlier and while i was watching you from my tv .Well, i wanted to thank you earlier but unfortunatly i didn’t. When i saw you on ant1’s tv show i thought that this is a good chance for me to thank you! Forgive me for the delay! Although i didn’t thank you earlier i was always thinking adout the good you did to me. It was like God had sent you to help me get rid of that bad habbit .I used to smoke from the age of 18 and although i wanted to give it up i don’t think that i could have made it without you. Since that day i haven’t smoke again. It’s a miracle ! So, i own you a big THANK YOU. It’s the least i can say to you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Although i haven’t sent you this mail earlier I believe that now its a good time for me to do it. I own this to you. I wish i could meet you and tell you personally how gratefull i’m to you but, this seems unatainable. It doesn’t matter. The fact that you personally are reading my mail now is enough to me. Please, let me know (if ofcourse this is possible )that you have read my message.
Thank you for reading this. God bless you.
I wish to you and to your family good health, happy life.

Dear Uri,
I read your little book of mind power and tried to follow meditation according to that book. I am really relaxed and happy. I was confused very much earlier but now I am determined. Now I don’t have many goals but have a single goal in life to achieve. My goal is to get admission in India’s best management school. I don’t have enough money to study there, but still I have hopes. At first I will clear CAT exam (Comman Aptitude Test) conducted in November of next year and GRE (Graduate Record Examination). I am happy while studying these subjects. I believe God gave me the thought to prepare for these exams and make my life better so I am doing this. Presently I am working in a Cement Industry as a Civil Engineer. About money I don’t care as I hope that my loan will be sanctioned easily.
Thanks Uri, you gave me a way of my life, a goal to achieve. You made me stable. Thanks once again.
With lots of wishes.

Dearest Uri,
I am so glad and excited to see your loving and encouraging response for a enthu student like me 😉
I am in the process of coming up with hypothesis and research project plans and hopefully someday soon I may have some interesting ideas and findings to discuss with you!
I have been at your website several times since early this year, but it was only two days ago, I finally got enough courage to mail you my deep interest in understanding the fantastic powers of the mind 🙂
Thank you very much for your warm best wishes for me. Also, it is very generous of you to share so many of your books online with everyone!
Particularly, I am grateful for your compilation of points on beating setbacks now, as I have been facing regular sabotage of my doctoral experiments (studying mice behavior with reference to their sense of smell). Sure, I will gobble up all your other books this Xmas break 🙂
I look up to you for how you set a bench-mark for yourself in the face of such highly skeptic modern scientific/social community.
Even I as chose to embark on such research, I am still cautioned by many, as how futile it might turn out to be.
But I look up to your nobel example and aspire to always keep at it.
Wishing you and your family good health and happiness always.

I have to let you know that your show in Athens is fantastic!!!! I am from London and have always been an admirer of yours. Well done on such a professional show which is much needed over here. filakia as we say in greece


here’s a picture of my brothers and me. left you see my younger brother he’s 18 years old, on the right you see my older brother he’s 23 years old and i am the one in the middle of the picture.

i know you have you’re talent from God so has everybody got his or her talent from God whatever the talent may be.

you know i didn’t spend a lot of time reaching God lately and i know i must do that too so that’s also a thing that i will work on from now on.

you really woke me up when you talked about the children in different country’s who have no education food and so on.

it really embarressed me of myself cause when i look at it that way i know i have nothing to complane about!

i will start thinking positive cause when i look at my life there’s nothing to complane about.

i will contact you sometimes to also let you know how i’m doing and to show you what you’ve done for me by opening my eyes and letting me know there’s nothing wrong in my life an that i should be greatfull for the life i’m living.

thanks a lot sir!

with great respect and greatings


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“There is no spoon!”

The Matrix

“The world needs your amazing talents. I need them”

Michael Jackson

“Uri Geller gave an absolutely resonating talk on his life and career. He had every single magician in the room on the edge of their seats trying to digest as much information as they could. Uri emphasized that the path to frame is through uniqueness and charisma and that professional entertainers must be creative in their pursuits of success and never shy away from publicity.”

Tannens Magic Blog

“The man is a natural magician. He does everything with great care, meticulous misdirection and flawless instinct. The nails are real, the keys are really borrowed, the envelopes are actually sealed, there are no stooges, there are no secret radio devices and there are no props from the magic catalogues.”

James Randi (In an open letter to Abracadabra Magazine)

“Absolutely amazing”

Mick Jagger

“Truly incredible”

Sir Elton John

“Eternity is down the hall And you sit there bending spoons In your mind, in your mind”

Johnny Cash

“I Have watched Uri Geller… I have seen that so I am a believer. It was my house key and the only way I would be able to use it is get a hammer and beat it out back flat again.”

Clint Eastwood

“Better than watching Geller bending silver spoons, better than witnessing new born nebulae’s in bloom”


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